You wouldn’t want the Inquisitors coming after you, so make sure to watch Obi-Wan Kenobi episode four before reading!

It’s still the coolest thing in the entire galaxy to see a lightsaber ignite in a dark room. That was the highlight of this episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi that was on the shorter side. Anything was going to have a hard time following up on what we got last time. Although this didn’t have Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi facing off, we got to see what O’Shea Jackson’s character is, and we got some more information about Reva. Her performance here was confident but you can tell that she’s still not fully used to her role as an Inquisitor. Leia was giving her the best wall she could. It was a good performance by Moses Ingram to show that bit of frustration.
For an episode that was a bit shorter than the rest so far, we got some serious action set-pieces. The Snowspeeders flying in to save Tala, Obi-Wan, and Leia was absolutely awesome. However, I’m going to say that Obi-Wan using his lightsaber was still the highlight moment of this one. He hasn’t used it much besides the duel with Vader, and that makes sense. He’s still scarred from that fight and he used it under cover of darkness in the interrogation room. He used it because he had to, not because he wanted to. That might piss off fans that were looking for The Clone Wars Obi-Wan to show up and kick some ass, but that’s really not what the show is about.
We got to see Obi-Wan kick a small amount of ass, but it was satisfying. I know it’ll break some hearts that Lola is a spy tracker. I was expecting Reva to smash the droid when Leia tried using it, but this is a much better outcome. It’s a smart story technique by screenwriters Joby Harold & Hannah Friedman.
Two More Episodes To Figure Out How Obi-Wan Gets To A New Hope
Now that I think about it a bit more, we got to see Obi-Wan do some miraculous things here. He held up the water in the tunnel to let Tala and Leia escape and then flooded it to stop the Stormtroopers. As each episode goes on, he gradually gets back some of that confidence he had before. Those moments might be fleeting, but like an older athlete, Obi-Wan can turn back the clock every once in a while.
The question remains though, how does Obi-Wan get to A New Hope. One would think that the Inquisitors chase him down forever unless they’re destroyed. Vader is showing that he’s tired of their antics and failures. I’m sure that Reva is on thin ice and needs to get some results or else she’s done with him. Fifth Brother seems like he’s also getting more and more frustrated with her. It’ll be interesting to see how the show ties all of that up in the final two episodes or if we end up getting a second season.
This was another great episode that ended up feeling smaller because it didn’t have a duel between two of the most powerful characters in Star Wars history, That fact doesn’t take away from the excellent character work that was on display by everyone involved. The scene when they return was truly gutwrenching. “Guess you’re soldiers now, after all” is a horrifying line that echoes the sentiment that we’ll likely see when Andor comes out later this year.
The cherry on top of it all was Leia grabbing Obi-Wan’s hand. There’s a reason why she named her only son after Ben Kenobi. It’s moments like these and more that make Ob-Wan Kenobi so special for long-time Star Wars fans.
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