We’ve had some emotional moments and episodes of Marvel TV before. Nothing touches what they’ve done in Moon Knight episode five.

The episode gave us the deepest look into Marc/Steven’s backstory and provided the necessary development of both sides of this coin. It was light on the action and actual Moon Knight shenanigans, but this was a character study through and through. The legacy and impact of Moon Knight might be just that. This is the deepest character study that Marvel has undertaken. Oscar Isaac put on a masterclass in acting in two performances. This whole episode showed just how much of a fine actor he is and how the material that he’s given is among the best that Marvel has to offer.

Ethan Hawke might not have had a huge impact on the episode, but his performance as Doctor Harrow added to the mystery and intrigue surrounding the whole series. Is this just part of Marc/Steven’s mind? How is Harrow influencing events? What is real? At the center of it all is the quest to balance the scales of Marc/Steven and that ending hammered that home. Inside us are plenty of personas, plenty of personalities; maybe not to the extreme of Moon Knight, but this show and this episode in particular provided something that anyone can relate to.

What Is Real?

Who knows where Moon Knight is going. We’re left off with Steven gone and Marc in the field of reeds. It’s a supposed paradise without any other people. No Layla, no Harrow, no one, just Marc. With the balancing of the scales, that might throw out that we’re getting another personality to Marc/Steven, but who knows what’ll happen in the last episode of the series. As we stand, Harrow’s plan is in full effect, the “wicked” are being punished with an early trip to the afterlife for their soul to be judged. I’m not sure where it’s headed, but I need to know now.

This was one of the finest episodes of Marvel TV that they’ve produced. it told an excellent and heartbreaking story that made me choke up at plenty of points. Oscar Isaac is a master of his craft and this just cements him. His performance here might be the best that Marvel has ever seen.

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