Is Mace Windu alive or dead? That has been the question Star Wars fans have been asking since Mace Windu’s window departure during Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. While it did not look promising for the Jedi Master after losing his hand to Anakin and falling out the window. We all know we never saw his body so it is possible the one-handed Jedi Master is still around. It also seems that Samuel L. Jackson agrees with this as well, as he has said that he would like a return as Mace Windu.

Mace Windu
What have you done, indeed, Anakin. (Image: Lucasfilm Ltd.)

Samuel L. Jackson Wants To Return As A One-Handed Mace Windu

Many fans including myself would love to see the return of Mace Windu. I mean why not, Darth Maul and Ahsoka we brought back after dying so why not Mace Windu? We are not the only ones that want this return to happen. In an interview by Happy Sad Confused’s Josh Horowitz Samuel L. Jackson talked about how he asked Bryce Dallas Howard to help bring Windu back.

“There’s a huge history of people with one hand returning in Star Wars… The only person I’ve ever said that to about coming back was Bryce Dallas Howard, I just did a movie with her, and she directs episodes of The Mandalorian, so, ‘You think you might be able to hook a brother up? I mean you like me, right?’ She’s like, ‘I love you, you’re amazing!’ So, ‘Put me back in… Put me in, coach, I’m ready!’ You know, I’ll learn to lightsaber left-handed. Come on, hook me up.”

So I guess the ball is in your court, Bryce Dallas Howard. Yes, it would be fun to see the return of Mace Windu, but we also have to ask the question, if he does return how and when in the timeline should they do it. Of course, one way would be showing that Mace Windu was the one that saved Grogu. Of course like everything else Star Wars-related we just have to wait and see what happens.

Samuel L. Jackson Mace Windu
Image: Lucasfilm

We Want To Hear From You

Do you think Mace Windu is still alive? Do you want to see Samuel L. Jackson reprise his role as the Jedi Master? Also, if he does return what series would you like to see him return in? That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you.

You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below or hitting me up at starwarsnerd574. You can also join me at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics on Facebook to chat about the Obi-Wan series. Also, you can stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at More importantly, be safe, I can’t wait to see you all at Celebration 2022.