Say what you will about The Book of Boba Fett, but the series did provide some great action sequences and moments. I personally enjoyed the overall character development of Boba. I had no issue with the flashback sequences as some did. While I admit they could have been connected better, they still were useful. During his time with the Tuskens, Boba was fundamentally changed from an out-for-himself mercenary to someone who valued community and belonging. He was no longer worried only for himself but driven to protect others as well. While there are many who did not like this change, I found it to be refreshing. But that being said, between all the character-driven moments, there are still some amazing action scenes that stood out to me. Here is a look at my Top 5 Action Mom
We know from The Mandalorian that Fennec Shand has a reputation. But we don’t really see it on full display until The Book of Boba Fett. Episode 4 makes good on the mini-cliffhanger at the end of “Chapter 5” of The Mandalorian, where we saw an unknown figure approach a left-for-dead Fennec. As we know, that figure was Boba Fett who rescues Fennec and keeps her alive thanks to the Mod Doctor. During that episode, we get a great action sequence where Fennec and Boba attempt to retrieve his ship. This really showed us what Fennec was capable of. Singlehandedly dealing with multiple guards in Jabba’s hangar. Building on what we had seen in The Mandalorian and The Bad Batch, we now understand why Fennec is a “master assassin”

Star Wars fans have always been told that Wookies are dangerous. They rip the arms off people when they lose. We’ve seen a few instances of Wookies in battle in the prequel trilogy, so we know they are warriors. But Black Krrsantan takes things to a whole different level. The first fight we see Krrsantan engage in is when he tries to kill Boba Fett. Though he is ultimately thwarted in his attempt, we do get a glimpse at the sheer ferocity the Wookie is capable of.
Were it not for those meddlesome kids – Krrsantan would have likely killed Boba. Even in defeat, we saw Krrsantan shrug off multiple attacks and wounds and still nearly crush Boba Fett. I thoroughly enjoyed the hand-to-hand combat that was shown in this fight. Later in the season, we would get more displays of Krrsantan’s abilities, but it all started here with this first fight.

We all expected this scene to occur after Boba indicates he wishes to learn to ride the Rancor. Thankfully, it lived up to the expectation. Seeing a Rancor unleashed in live-action was something I didn’t know I needed to see until I saw it. We knew Rancors were dangerous but had never seen one get to really flex its muscle. When the Rancor took on the Pyke Droids, it generated memories of a Godzilla vs Mecha-Godzilla fight. The sheer strength that was shown by the Rancor as it pummelled and dismantled the Droid was great. We even got a nice King Kong homage with the Rancor climbing up one of the buildings in Mos Espa.

I nearly had this as my #1 moment but had to move it to the second spot on the list. I loved this entire sequence from start to finish. This scene was what made me say “I like these Tuskens, I need more of these Tuskens”. Unfortunately, that was not to be. In this sequence, we got to see the Tuskens board a high-speed hovertrain racing across the Dune Sea. Between the swoop bikes and the train, everything had a sense of speed and danger. A trait that unfortunately was missing in a chase scene later in the season. The way the Tuskens boarded the train and engaged in combat with the Pykes was great from start to finish. When it was over I was left wanting more. The black-robed Tusken warrior cemented themself into one of my favorite characters during this scene.

It feels a little wrong to pick a scene that didn’t include Boba Fett at all as my top choice. But there was no way I could not select this as #1. The instant the silhouette of Mando was shown behind the curtain, my eyes were glued to the screen. Seeing Mando go full “bounty hunter” was something we had not seen in quite some time. It was a great reminder that he is a well-trained Mandalorian and a force to be reckoned with. When presented with a “bring you in cold” situation, he did not hesitate to dispatch numerous enemies. We also get to witness our first glimpse of Mando using the Darksaber. Which, even though a bit clumsy for him, was used to great effect. The brutality shown was also an unexpected treat as we see Mando slice and chop his way through those standing in his way.

The Book of Boba Fett provided several great moments for fans. It was hard to try to narrow it down to a Top 5, so I’m sure there may be other opinions out there. Overall, I found the first season to be an enjoyable watch and am looking forward to more adventures with Boba Fett and the other characters in the series.
Are these some of your top moments as well from The Book of Boba Fett? Or do you have a different list? Sound off and let me know. You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below or finding me on Twitter @TheIndianaSlone. You can also join me at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics Facebook page to chat about all things Star Wars. Be sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at