Well folks, The Book of Boba Fett Season 1 is in the books. One of its unquestionable highlights was Black Krrsantan leaping from the comic book page to live-action. Carey Jones perfectly brought the gladiator-turned-bounty-hunter to life, ably joining the late Peter Mayhew and Joonas Suotamo as Star Wars Wookiee mainstays. Hasbro, of course, is now looking to seize on Krrsantan’s popularity. The toy maker just announced a Black Series figure for the character, and frankly, it couldn’t be a bigger fail.

As fans know, Krrsantan first began to gain popularity in the Darth Vader and Doctor Aphra comics. The fierce, body-modified Wookiee became an instantly classic character. Thus, it was a welcome surprise to see him appear in The Book of Boba Fett. It’s similarly no surprise that he’d subsequently get the Black Series treatment shortly thereafter. The problem, however, is the manner in which Hasbro is choosing to offer the figure. It opted not to wait and issue a BOBF figure. (Although, let’s be honest, that’s probably still in the works). Instead, the company went the way of Jaxxon and Son of Dathomir Maul; i.e. it opted to release the comic book version…. And it all went down hill from there.
Hasbro epically misses the mark with Black Series Krrsantan

Sorry, Hasbro, but the “new” Black Series Krrsantan is, in a word, awful. As many across social media have pointed out, the figure is nothing more than a repainted retread of an old Chewbacca figure from almost a decade ago. The only difference is the head sculpt. That, at least, features the Wookiee’s braids and scars. Unfortunately, the differences pretty much end there. Even the bowcaster weapon is the same. You can’t look at the Black Series figure and not think “black Chewbacca.” Plus, the monochrome accessories (while true to the comics) just look, well, cheap.
I get that Hasbro wants to cash in while the getting is good. They’re a toy maker; that’s what toy makers do. But this? This Black Series version of Krrsantan? It’s clear that too little thought went into what amounts to nothing more than an obvious cash grab. What’s most disappointing is that it didn’t have to be this way. The company is capable of making some amazingly detailed and exquisite figures. Look no further that its offering for Krrsantan’s fellow BOBF character, Cad Bane:

Now that’s a Star Wars figure.
Do better, Hasbro. We know you can, and the character deserves it.
Cad Bane isn’t much better: https://aiptcomics.com/2022/02/16/star-wars-black-series-cad-bane/
Yeah, found a custome one someone made that DESTROYS the Hasbro figure hands down!!! It’s available on Mercari site!