Looking back at the past year, Boom Studios has been knocking it out of the park with their Mighty Morphin’ comic series. To celebrate, I decided to do a list of my favorite covers of 2021!
With so many amazing covers, I knew this was not going to be an easy task. But here it is: the top Mighty Morphin’ comic covers of 2021!
Top Mighty Morphin’ Covers of 2021
For this list, instead of choosing one cover, some issues had several variants that I enjoyed. I’ve chosen to use the Virgin Variants to show off all this great art! Going in release order:
Mighty Morphin’ Issue #3
Goni Montes Cover In-Hyuk Lee Cover
The strong yellow colors play so beautifully, and the band over the forehead is indicative of the Ninja Powers. The other shows how both Tommy and Matt were overwhelmed by the sheer power of the new Chaos Powered Putties.
Mighty Morphin’ #4
Derrick Chew Cover In-Hyuk Lee Cover Peach Momoko Cover
This issue brings the revelation that Matt is the New Green Ranger. Both Derrick Chew’s and In-Hyuk Lee’s covers show that off excellently. Peach Momoko’s cover showing Kimberly morphing also has that bit of a hoodie and dark colors, making a great nod to the Ranger Slayer from the World of the Coinless. Goni Montes deserves an honorable mention too.
Mighty Morphin’ #5
Goni Montes Cover In-Hyuk Lee Cover
Goni Montes’ cover of Adam Park is masterful! With both Black and Green tones, this is a great use of the mastodon tusks and the lines from his Turbo suit. Finishing it off with a play on the chest piece from his Zeo Green suit! In-Hyuk Lee lets the newly designed Dragon Zord stand above the Thunder Megazord and TigerZord.
Might Morphin’ #6
Eleonora Carlini Legacy Cover Peach Momoko Cover
Finally, we get a Legacy Cover! Eleonora Carlini did a wonderful job capturing the theme of this issue with the bubble and the idea of the New Green rangers looming over the Rangers outside the Dome. Peach Momoko’s choice to make the ranger and civilian side in a diagonal really is catching, as opposed the having it split down the center.
Mighty Morphin’ #7

The gravitas of Lord Zedd in the Command Center bounces right off the page in yet again another In-Hyuk Lee cover!
Mighty Morphin’ #8
Knowing that Matt is for the most part on the Team side, this stunning cover shows that he has their back! You can guess it’s another In-Hyuk Lee cover.

Mighty Morphin’ #9
The lead-up to the next issue was so important. This cover perfectly illustrates at this point we are in Zedd’s palm. BUT WE DON’T KNOW THAT YET!

Mighty Morphin’ #10
At this point, we all know what’s going on. So here is the REVEAL cover by the uber-talented Dan Mora! Mora seriously outdid himself with the reveal cover. If you were lucky enough to get your hands on these covers, you have my respect.
Mighty Morphin’ #11
Eleonora Carlini’s choice to put Kimberly front and center is great! The argument that Kim and Matt have in the juice bar and the turmoil Tommy has with Kim’s ex now being a ranger is on full blast on this gorgeous cover!

Mighty Morphin’ #12
Zartus and his team are here, and the Eltarian War starts in the next issue! What a great way to “reflect” everything that is happening before the next big story arc!

Again, these are my favorite covers! If there are any specific covers that you like drop a comment below! We hope you had a great year following all these reviews and cant wait to keep bringing them into the new year!
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