Horror fans are just big softies on the inside. We might like seeing murderous ice-cream men kill people, but at the end of the day, we’re a good bunch. So are the people over at The Last Drive-In on Shudder. Joe Bob and crew had a holiday special devoted to raising money for charities across the country. All told, they raised $156,909.25 for First Book, Appalachia Service Project, National Greyhound Foundation, and National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

The annual tradition for a “holiday” themed double-feature on The Last Drive-In saw Joe Bob and Darcy giving each other the gift of their favorite movies. They showed Ice Cream Man starring Clint Howard and then Gator Bait in the second slot. The movies were nice but what really stole the show was the charity auction for various Last Drive-In memorabilia and personal items from Joe Bob and Darcy’s collections. In addition, for donations of certain amounts, Fright-Rags joined in on the fun with LDI merch.
Joe Bob had this to say about the whole thing.
Once again the Last Drive-In family has gone above and beyond to make the world better for people that need help and animals that need homes. Of all the shows Shudder has enabled us to do, this one is the most gratifying.

The Last Drive-In is on hiatus for the rest of the holiday season, but they’ve got more episodes coming up for 2022. You can rewatch Joe Bob Ruins Christmas or any of the other Last Drive-In specials on Shudder now!
For more on horror, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.