Ever wanted a physical loot box full of random Avatar: The Last Airbender merchandise to arrive at your doorstep? Well, don’t worry. Loot Crate has got you covered there. Or at least, they’re going to next year.
Avatar: The Last Airbender ~ Limited Edition Crate Series

Loot Crate is proud to announce their new line of Avatar: The Last Airbender limited edition crates. These crates will be part of a 4-crate set that will arrive at your doorstep every 3 months starting from June 5 to June 15, 2022. You can preorder this series directly from Loot Crate for $49.99 (plus shipping). Unfortunately, you have to preorder by May 27, 2022 at 9:00 PM to get this collection. So if you want these random crates of Avatar: The Last Airbender merch, you might want to preorder before that date.
What’s In A Crate?

So what’s in each of these Avatar: The Last Airbender loot crates? Well, as you can see above, each crate nets you a random selection of merchandise based on the Nickelodeon animated series. The selection includes clothing (including shirts), home goods, pins, accessories, utility items, and even collectible busts. There’s one of Aang, Katara, Zuko, and Toph. You know what that means: gotta collect them all.

Apparently, the first Loot Crate you get is “Water”, so Katara is going to be your first bust. Not only that, but you also get a Water Tribe-themed shirt to go with it, along with presumably other Water Tribe-themed merch. Assuming that the others follow the same pattern, that means Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomad-themed merchandise in that order. You know, just like the intro.

Source: Loot Crate