Get ready and run to theaters to catch this adorable pup.

Boy, does this movie take me back. Growing up I was crazy about Clifford. Not only did I love reading his books, but watching the show was also an absolute must. So, I was stoked when I found out Clifford would be coming to the big screen in a live-action movie. After its drop from Universal and Illumination, Paramount picked up the rights and finally got the movie off the ground. Prepare to see Clifford the Big Red Dog this month.
The Story of a Girl and her Dog
Clifford the Big Red Dog tells the story of Clifford, a small red puppy who is separated from his family. He is rescued by Mr. Birdwell, who seems to know this puppy was meant for something special. That something special came in the form of Emily Elizabeth, a young girl who is being bullied at school. Emily Elizabeth is being babysat by her uncle Casey while her mom is off on a work meeting.
While going to school one day, they walk into Mr. Birdwell’s tent of unique animals and find Clifford. Emily Elizabeth immediately has a connection, but no pets are allowed in her apartment building, so it’s a no on adopting him. Good thing Clifford somehow ended up in her backpack and ends up going home with them anyway. That night while crying over not being able to keep him and the bullies at school, Emily Elizabeth tells Clifford they must be big and strong. Waking up lo and behold Clifford has gotten big, like 10 feet big!
Once Clifford gets big it’s a series of mishaps and trying to keep him hidden so they don’t get evicted. Oh, and to keep this slimy guy that’s trying to get a hold of him to study his DNA. He’s the head of a company that is trying to grow giant vegetables, and he sees Clifford on TV. He thinks getting Clifford will let him find the secret to growing large foods. With the help of her Uncle Casey, her neighbors, and Clifford himself, Emily Elizabeth saves the day and learns some valuable lessons on believing in oneself on the way.

What I Thought
This movie is everything a family fun movie should be. I felt the beginning was a bit slow, but once Uncle Casey came in with the comic relief, it got better. I loved the idea behind it, especially with bullying being an important topic now a day. Clifford helps Emily Elizabeth realize that being different isn’t bad and that it helps you stand out to make the world a better place. It definitely is a lot more adult-friendly than I thought it would be as I found myself constantly chuckling at their antics. It is also such a feel-good movie, I shed a few tears, and that to me makes it the perfect balance of funny, heartfelt, and with a great plot.
And Finally….
Overall, I would say this is a family must-watch. It would be a nice outing to go to and just have a nice laugh. Especially for those of us who grew up with Clifford. You will love the nostalgia of it all. So head over this weekend to the theater for a tail-wagging good time. Clifford the Big Red Dog comes out November 10th in theaters and on Paramount+. Also, make sure to follow That HashTag Show for our of our movie reviews.