Kevin Feige is certainly riding high right now. The Marvel series for Disney+ have been unquestionable successes, Loki being the latest. Early reports also tells us that Shang-Chi just may be one of the best films in the entire MCU. He’s even managed to more or less stay above the Scarlett Johansson fray. And, of course, the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer is burning up the entire Internet. As Marvel fires on all cylinders, questions naturally turned to one of the unknowns: Feige’s Star Wars movie.

The notoriously tight-lipped mastermind of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has offered no substantive details about his upcoming project. All we know is that Loki and Doctor Strange 2 writer Michael Waldron will pen the screenplay for Feige’s Star Wars movie. That is, that was all we knew, until a recent interview.
Who’s not appearing in Kevin Feige’s Star Wars movie

Feige recently spoke with Collider; interview topics covered all things Marvel but slipped briefly into the galaxy far, far away, nonetheless. When asked about the script for Feige’s Star Wars movie, he replied “in the works, in progress.” Still, the interviewer pressed. Would it be a solo film or “one of these things that could be a movie and a Disney Plus thing?” Feige got a little cheeky with his response:
“It’s not about Han Solo. Han Solo is not in it, though.”
Of course the interviewer was asking about whether or not Feige’s Star Wars movie would be a duel release to theaters and Disney+, like Black Widow. Still, his deflection is an interesting one. First, he clearly wants to avoid any discussion about, or allusion to, the Johansson conflict with parent company, Disney. But… in seemingly confirming that Han Solo will not appear in his movie, he wades into the thicket of another company controversy. How Kathleen Kennedy & Co. handled the Solo: A Story Wars Story film was one of the biggest bungles of the Disney Star Wars era.

Couple that with some off-the-cuff comments from Michael Waldron’s old boss about how well Waldron may, or may not, mesh with Kathleen Kennedy, and Feige’s quip has the air of a subtle dig at the studio’s Solo fiasco. In any event, we will have to wait a while for Feige’s Star Wars film. The next feature Star Wars film is Patty Jenkins’ Rogue Squadron, arriving December, 2023.
Source: Collider