If you’re a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there is certainly a lot to look forward to in the next couple of years. Marvel has already treated us to a slew of Disney+ offerings (including Loki, and now What If…?) with plenty more on the way. That includes the new Moon Knight series, starring Oscar Isaac. Isaac and his character have been the hot topic lately, as we’ve seen multiple production leaks seep out of the proverbial woodwork. We can confirm that at least one of them is legit, and Marvel execs are not happy about it, at all.

Moon Knight
Image: Marvel Studios

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, our contact at Marvel has confirmed that a recent photo that’s appeared on Twitter, which you can see above, is indeed legitimate. We first saw the Moon Knight image on the Marvel News Hub Twitter account with the caption “get a good look before it’s gone!” Here’s the original tweet:

Moon Knight image confirmed; Marvel not happy   

So yes, the image is real, and Marvel Studios executives are livid about its release. “Heads will roll” in the department from which the leak originated, with one or more firings likely as a result. Perhaps that’s not unexpected… it’s been a bad week or so when it comes to leaks from the set of the upcoming Moon Knight series. In addition to the costume reveal, there was also this production video leak directly from the set. It purports to show Oscar Isaac in action:

Thus far we don’t know too much about the series other than some casting news. Oscar Isaac stars in the titular role, while Ethan Hawke will portray a villain in the show. Alexander Cobb also recently joined the cast. The character of Moon Knight has kicked around Marvel Comics for years and is getting his live-action debut with the series. The original storyline had Mark Spector become the living avatar for the Egyptian moon god Khonshu when he was left for dead at an archeological dig. Alter egos include millionaire Steven Grant.

How the Moon Knight show will ultimately handle the character is anyone’s guess… but we suspect that the studio is going to seriously revisit its security protocols to prevent further leaks.