Boba Fett is supposedly the baddest bounty hunter in the business. Of course, we didn’t get to see that in the Star Wars feature films. To the contrary, we only got hints of his reputation… before a blind Han Solo unceremoniously sent Fett on his way to slowly digest over a thousand years in the sarlacc’s belly. Fans have been screaming for more Boba for decades as a result. We finally got his return in Season 2 of The Mandalorian. From what we know, he’ll be back and as bad as ever in The Book of Boba Fett series. Not only will we get to see him in action, but the series will double down on the grittiness of The Mandalorian.

There’s a reason that, in greater Star Wars lore, Fett is considered among the best, most ruthless bounty hunters to traverse the galaxy far, far away. Some even say he’s the best. According to Brendan Wayne, stunt-double on The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett will finally, fully showcase the son-of-a-foundling’s talents. Wayne should know… the grandson of John Wayne will be part of the new series, as well.
The Book of Boba Fett gets even grittier

Wayne recently spoke to the Star Wars Sessions podcast about his upcoming role. In doing so, he noted the darker, dirtier tones and themes of The Mandalorian. The new show goes even further:
“I think that’s what we as an audience, I think, are going to get from The Book of Boba Fett. A lot more of that kinda feel. He gets even grittier than Mando did. I feel like he doesn’t have the choice because he really was a different kind of character.”

Given the character’s rich history (outside the films, at least), that makes sense. Likewise, if it provides even a fraction of the intensity Temuera Morrison gave us as Fett in The Mandalorian, the show may be downright brutal.
The Book of Boba Fett premiers this December on Disney+.
Source: Star Wars Sessions, via Inside the Magic