Van Helsing is moving towards this finale and finally bringing the team back together. As Violet (Keeya King) and Ivory (Jennifer Cheon Garcia) look to follow up on clues left by Jack (Nicole Muñoz) in the Van Helsing book. After following the clues with Violet’s help they head to a spooky church.

Spooky Church
Why they never question the fact that it is clearly inhabited is beyond me but as they search for what Jack left they encounter Axel (Jonathon Scarfe) and Julius (Aleks Paunovic). It felt pretty good to see the team come back together even as they consider those who left or they had lost along the way.
As seen at the start of the episode the Dark One is tracking the vial and her missing power and has sent the vampire leader in the area to take it back. The team is blissfully unaware of this and finally manages to track down what was left for Violet. It is Jack herself in a state of suspended animation that Violet wakes her from with a bite.

Jack’s Back
I am mostly positive about Jack’s return. It would be nice if there is time to tell more of her story from the past. I am very glad to see her back and getting to contribute to the rest of this season. The team lays out the new plan of turning Bathory and using her to read the magic scroll.

The vampires attack but thanks to the killer anti-vampire cloud most of the attackers are wiped out. The vampire leader survives the cloud and becomes a super vampire. Julius and Violet are trapped and we know that someone is making it out at that point. He then takes a fatal dose of Doc’s concoction and fights the vampire with Violet’s help.
Julius’ dying was always on the cards as Van Helsing has never been afraid to mount up a body count. It was nice that he got his own episode before his exit, the character post vamp life has always been this beacon of positivity that was definitely needed. He will be missed.