Earlier this week we talked about how Ghost Rider would be coming to the MCU. Now, we’re talking about Marvel’s next big team-up film, Midnight Sons.
Marvel has over 20 unannounced films, but with those is a heavy emphasis on branching out with their team up movies. They want to replicate the success of The Avengers with multiple team-up films. Young Avengers, Dark Avengers/Thunderbolts, etc. Although this week we can exclusively share that Marvel is working on a Midnight Sons movie, which is currently in early development.
The Midnight Sons? Who’s That?

Midnight Sons is a group within Marvel Comics that consists of Supernatural heroes that fight Supernatural threats. Marvel Studios is wanting to build Midnight Sons to be the ‘Supernatural Avengers’ more or less.
While there have been previous reports regarding Midnight Sons being adapted, these were inaccurate at the time, as Marvel did not have the characters they wanted in place for such a film. However, with Blade and Moon Knight coming to the MCU and the Doctor Strange sequel bringing a lot of characters into the MCU; it’s now a big priority for Marvel and a realistic one at that.
The roster will start off small and grow in future films as with any team-up film. It will start with Doctor Strange, Moon Knight, Blade, Hannibal King, Hellstrom, Ghost Rider, and Scarlet Witch. Hannibal King and Hellstrom will be introduced in Blade and fleshed out further in Midnight Sons. While Ghost Rider will be utilized in Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness before continuing on in Midnight Sons. Moon Knight and Blade both have a series and movie coming soon.
While plot details are scarce as this is still in early development, we can exclusively share that Blackout will be the primary villain; with teases of Mephisto throughout. From what I’m hearing, Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios are interested in having multiple Thanos-level threats within the MCU.
Only time will tell what larger impact Midnight Sons has on the MCU. Though, with many of its members being fun Supernatural heroes, expect to see a lot more of the Supernatural in the MCU moving forward.
For more on Marvel, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.