It seems WandaVision originally as going to feature a certain magical doctor as a cameo appearance. However, fate, and production, intervened here.

Despite the constant subtle teases from the Disney+ series’ cast, Dr. Strange never actually made an appearance in WandaVision. Heck, they had even finalized a deal with Benedict Cumberbatch himself for that appearance. Ultimately though, while the series supposedly leads directly into Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the good doctor himself was a no-show in the show. According to Kevin Feige, producer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and executive producer for WandaVision, courtesy of Rolling Stone, they actually had a legitimate reason for not including Dr. Strange as a cameo in that show.
See, according to Feige, they ultimately decided that WandaVision was about Wanda, not Dr. Strange. They felt that a cameo from Dr. Strange would take away the show’s focus from Wanda, and muddle the issue of the main character a bit. Not to mention taking away from Wanda’s plotline and conflicts. Thus, they ultimately decided to nix the idea of Dr. Strange’s cameo. Feige’s exact words were:
Some people might say, ‘Oh, it would’ve been so cool to see Doctor Strange. But it would have taken away from Wanda. We didn’t want the end of the show to be commoditized to go to the next movie – here’s the white guy, ‘Let me show you how power works.
WandaVision: Not WandaStrange

Personally, I do agree with the producers here. While having Dr. Strange make a cameo in WandaVision would’ve been cool, ultimately, the show is about Wanda. Not Dr. Strange. The show isn’t WandaStrange or even Doctor Strange in the Hex for a reason. What we want to see is Wanda overcoming the problems by herself using her own strength, not being saved by outside intervention. So yeah, good on the producers. That was a good call for them.
Dr. Strange almost made a cameo appearance in WandaVision. Ultimately though, the producers nixed that idea, and we saw that in the show. It was for the best though. Not convinced? Well, watch this Marvel show on Disney+ now, and judge for yourself if you think Dr. Strange’s saving Wanda would’ve made it better.
Source: Rolling Stone