With Jason, Zack, and Astronema in custody. It seems that Ecliptor has decided that the enemy of my enemy is my ally. Or it seems that way so he can save the Princess of Evil. But first, we get some of Astronema’s backstory from his perspective. If you want her full backstory (CLICK HERE)

Back on the Ship

Trini calls BS on the twisted story of the ranger attack and is overly hesitant to trust Ecliptor about a team up to save her fellow rangers and his apprentice. Worried that the Purple-haired Princess will just stab them in the back. Ecliptor gives his word and Drakkon always with the satirical last word of course chimes in that things aren’t as black or white as they would seem.

Jail Cell Righteousness

As all three captives are in S.P.D. custody Jason and Astronema have an interesting back and forth about who is on the right path. How they both have their own missions and how they both wholeheartedly believe in them, although we know one of them is misguided.

Rangers To The Rescue? More High-Speed Action?

The rest of the issue goes as you would expect. Obvious tropes of don’t kill anyone, that didn’t pan out. But there was no assist with Drakkon he was off on his own side mission finally getting the part the ships needed. Also, attending to some personal matters before returning, will probably pay off in a few issues from now. The last few panels end with the age-old question of how far is too far for the sake of justice. Seems that the Rangers will each have their own roles soon as Jason the Muscle, Zack the Jokester, and Trini is the Heart.

Covers From The Grid

All three Power Rangers #6 covers come with Virgin Variants. You can find them in your Local Comic Shop then jump back in the comments and let us know what you thought about the issue!

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