Last week we talked about Marvel’s plans for a Wolverine Anthology series for Disney+. This week, we’re talking Marvel’s Netflix characters.
I know you’ve heard the rumors on other sites, Kevin Feige and Marvel wants them to come back.
The most requested information I’m asked is “what’s happening with Daredevil?” or “are they bringing Jon Bernthal back as Punisher?” It’s an understandably complex situation and I can exclusively share that I have the full information on how Marvel is handling these characters.
In a broader sense, Marvel was trying to figure out what to do with these shows. Some of which are relatively popular (i.e. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Punisher) while others like Iron Fist and Luke Cage had more tepid fan response.
Give Us The Specifics For The Marvel Nextflix Characters

Marvel luckily does hear you! There are some characters and actors that they do want to bring back, but the caveat here will be that their time and experiences on the Netflix shows will not be directly referenced. So Jessica Jones coming back means she won’t bring up her story with Trish, or Matt will not bring up his fight with The Hand. These are not stories that will play into the roles. It’s simply actors fulfilling the same roles, but within a different universe.
Marvel is bringing Charlie Cox back as Daredevil, Jon Bernthal as The Punisher, Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones, and Vincent D’Onofrio as Wilson Fisk/Kingpin.
Expect Phase 4 and 5 to sprinkle in these appearances throughout the movies and Disney+ shows. From what I’ve heard, Charlie Cox is being brought in for a cameo in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Jon Bernthal and Krysten Ritter will appear in a Disney+ series, and D’Onofrio is set to appear in the upcoming Echo series, although he may also appear in Hawkeye in a limited capacity, most likely a cameo at best.
So what of Luke Cage and Iron Fist? Marvel may decide down the road to do something with these characters but I’ve heard that sadly the roles will be re-cast.
So there you have it. It’s exciting to see that Marvel sees value in these shows, even if it’s just on a pure talent level. While the stories won’t be referenced, I think many will agree that these performances were incredibly good and well worth picking up and utilizing again.
Amen. Wtf is up with that? Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Punisher were the best of the bunch
Yes! Great news but they need to pick up one more.
Damn, I liked Mike Colter as Luke Cage and Mahershala Ali as Cottonmouth was brilliant… it’s a shame these two fine actors won’t be added to the MCU.
Well Mahershala absolutely is being added to the MCU, but in a different role…as Blade.
Cottonmouth is actually coming back as blade
Mahershala Ali is going to be in the MCU. He’s Blade.
I can agree with most of this. And definitely about the recasting of Iron Fist; but I think you’re a little off when it comes to Luke Cage. His show approval ratings were between 85% to 95%. And Michael Colter was/is the embodiment of the comic book character.
I think they should bring them all back together as in one separate show, and make them a New York City baste Avengers team. I admit Luke Cage could have been better, but it was still a great show and shouldn’t be abandoned. And I think iron fish to be picked up and started right where it left off because they left us hanging
I feel Luke Cage was cast well and was a phenomenal series …….. He should be brought back as well
I agree they should have brought Mike colter in the mcu .I don’t understand also why they don’t want to link those stories .When in fact they mentioned the chaos in New York City with the avengers fighting the aliens . Maybe they forgot this or they just written this off.
I still think Helstrom should return, I enjoyed that show.
If Luke Cage is recast I’d wager it has more to do with Mahershala Ali being the new Blade than anything else.
I’ll admit Luke Cage did seem a little more comic bookie than the rest of the series. It’s viewer approval seemed to be on par with the rest. Iron Fist was terrible and The Defenders being so Iron Fist centric is what brought that team up down and made it such a disappointment. If they were smart they’d have killed him off in 2nd episode and spent the rest of the series on characters we care about.
Luke Cage was second only to Daredevil. And I would hate to see anyone but Mike Colter play him.
I don’t buy that this is official until Marvel officially announces it. But if Jon Bernthal is really coming back to Punisher I am going to Shit. Fucking. Kittens.
is there a chance we see the hulu and freeform shows appear? i want to see cloak and dsgger back