UPDATE: Yes, this is an April Fools post, as we indicated in the original publishing (see below). NO, Rian Johnson is not directing a Darth Revan trilogy. April Foolery comes but once a year and we are just having a little The Onion-esque fun. Based on people’s reactions though, here’s hoping Lucasfilm doesn’t get any ideas from this. Happy April 1st, gang!

Well, Star Wars fans, the news many of us have been waiting to hear has arrived. Darth Revan will finally emerge from the annals of Star Wars gaming and hit the big screen. The giant leap will have him not only appear in a feature film, but an entire trilogy. Yes, we get Revan… but he will be the subject of the Rian Johnson trilogy.

Sith Lord; Revan; Rian johnson trilogy

Revan, as we know, is one of the most beloved Star Wars characters outside of feature-film canon. Over the last several years, however, he’s begun to infiltrate new, Disney canon in several ways. We saw a hint of his influence most recently in the final season of The Clone Wars. Johnson, it turns out, foreshadowed his involvement with Revan project even in The Last Jedi. (If you’re not familiar, he featured a pendant in Luke’s hut attributable to Revan and his followers.) As of now, there’s still no word on when the trilogy will premiere.

Darth Revan to appear in Rian Johnson Star Wars trilogy?

Revan; Rian Johnson
The Jedi Crusader pendant from The Last Jedi. (Image: Lucasfilm Ltd.)

So, do we have you riled up enough yet? All of this is, of course, NONSENSE. A quick glance at the date of this article should tell you that you’ve just fallen victim to our annual April Fools posting.


We hope you’ll forgive us, as this isn’t the first time we’ve used Rian Johnson as April Fools’ fodder. The truth is, as much as we’d love to see Darth Revan in live-action, there is no current plan to feature the character that we know of. Rian Johnson, however, did, recently indicate in an interview that his trilogy was still indeed moving forward. The subject matter of the trilogy, though, still remains a mystery.

For now, We have The Bad Batch coming up next month, and both The Book of Boba Fett and The Mandalorian Season 3 arriving in December.

We hope you’ll forgive us for our little prank. Have a great April Fool’s Day, everyone.