What happens when you go from music videos to horror films? Ask the director of Fried Barry, Ryan Kruger, the new film coming to Shudder this May. You might think it’s a bit strange to go from that sort of filmmaking to feature films, but it translates pretty well to horror.

Fried Barry follows the story of drug addicted degenerate, who gets abducted by aliens. Yes, aliens. Barry (played by newcomer Gary Green) gets his body taken over by aliens and they joyride it through the streets of Cape Town. Drugs, sex, violence, and more follow suit as the aliens learn all they would ever want to know about humankind.

Craig Engler, General Manager of Shudder had high praise for the upcoming film.

Fried Barry is going to blow people’s minds when it hits Shudder.  It’s a bold,  creative film from the delightfully demented yet visionary mind of Ryan Kruger and unlike anything else you’ll see this year.

Craig Engler

Ryan Kruger had this to say about his film.

We had an incredible year on the festival circuit and the fan response has been nothing short of explosive. Fried Barry has achieved this great cult following, and I couldn’t think of a better home for its hugely anticipated release other than with Shudder.

Ryan Kruger

You can check out Fried Barry, when it releases on Shudder, May 6th.

For more on horror, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.