So Sony Entertainment and Santa Monica Studio are still saying that they’re going to release the as-of-yet untitled sequel to the 2018 God of War in 2021. With this reaction to that news, let’s just say that it’s a bit doubtful.

Ah, hopeful fan. Time to crush your optimism.

Jason Schreier, a video game reporter for Bloomberg News and an video game industry insider, recently reported on Twitter that the highly anticipated Gotham Knights game will now see a 2022 release date. In response to this, a PlayStation fan by the handle of Necro02 asked hopefully: “At least the next God Of War is coming in 2021, right?”. Unfortunately, Scheier’s answer will dash little Necro02’s hopes and dreams. His answer was a simple, single-word “Lol”.

God of War: The Long Road to Ragnarok?

God of War's main characters looking out on a vast landscape.
Long road ahead of us, boy.

Yeah, if even an industry insider doubts that the untitled God of War sequel will see a 2021 release, the rest of us can forget about it. Yes, this is in spite of Sony and Santa Monica’s continued insistence that we’ll see God of War‘s story continue this year. Heck, the fact that they don’t even have a title yet for this sequel should hint that to you. Yes, I know people are calling it God of War Ragnarok, but that’s not actually an official name. It’s just the name people have been calling it until Sony and Santa Monica actually tell us what it is.

Ragnarok is coming
God of War
Not an official title…yet.

Plus, you guys got to remember that there’s another hotly anticipated game coming in late 2021. It’s the sequel to the hit 2017 game featuring a young woman taking on a world of robot dinosaurs. Only this time, she gets to take some dives into the depths. That’s right. I’m talking about Horizon Forbidden West: the 2021 sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn.

Why would I play God of War 2 when this is en route?

If Sony were to release both God of War Ragnarok and Horizon Forbidden West at the same time, they’d only be competing with themselves. Theoretically, Sony should be smart enough to avoid doing that. Although, we’ve seen other large companies also compete with themselves like that. It never turns out well for them. Looking at you: Disney.


According to a respected PlayStation insider, we’re not likely going to see the sequel to 2018’s God of War in 2021. There’s just too much riding against it. Still, unless we get official confirmation from Sony and Santa Monica, you can take this news with as much salt as you like.

Source: Twitter