Those of us growing up with Star Wars in the late 70’s and early 80’s have a special fondness for the original trilogy. In fact, many of us remember sitting down with our families in front of the TV and watching both Ewok movies in 1984 and 1985, respectively. Years later, Disney announced its new streaming service, and that it would hold the Lucasfilm library of all things Star Wars. We of course wondered if those television classics would be included. They weren’t…. at first. With yesterday’s announcement, however, we learned that both Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure and Ewoks, the Battle for Endor, arrive on Disney+ next month.

Admittedly neither film adds anything substantive to franchise canon. Additionally, it’s often been said that Star Wars was really intended for children. Despite what the ratings board now calls “thematic elements,” the two Ewok movies certainly lend credence to that belief. Still, Each film continued the franchise trend of featuring above-par special effects for their time. Each won an Emmy for Outstanding Visual Effects. And let’s not forget Wilford Brimley dropping an F-Bomb in The Battle For Endor.
Star Wars Ewok movies coming to Disney+

There’s little question now that the two follow-ups to Return of the Jedi were meant to cash in on the success of the film and the cuteness of the Ewok characters. Several of them, including Wicket and Logray, reprised their Endor appearances for the films. Though minimal, the films did have some lasting effect on the Star Wars franchise. Wicket, as we know, returned again for a Rise of Skywalker cameo. Likewise, blurgs, first seen in the televised specials, reappeared decades later. First we saw them in The Clone Wars, and then again in The Mandalorian. There is one, big, franchise question the addition of the Ewok movies to Disney+ poses, however.

If the Ewok televised specials are making their way to Disney+, does that open the door for the full Star Wars Holiday Special as well? Glorious for all its badness, the full Holiday Special is currently only available in pirated form on the Internet. Right now only part of it, “The Story of the Faithful Wookie,” is coming to the streaming service. Come on, Disney. Don’t let us down.