It’s time for another episode of Streaming Wars! This week Chelsea Schwartz and Sarah Carey sit down to discuss the biggest and best titles headed to streaming. 

With so many streaming services out there, it can be hard to keep track of what to watch. We’ll keep you in the loop as we crown a new winning service each week.

In this week’s episode, Paramount plus enters the race, but does anyone want to watch The Real World? (Okay, we do love Star Trek and Spongebob though.) Coming 2 America takes over Amazon Prime, and the platform nabs the Back to the Future trilogy too. Discovery+ drops Luda Can’t Cook and Peacock impresses with their Punky Brewster reboot. Then Disney+ pushes back Loki, which brings back the dreaded MCU content gap, but they’re giving us Star Wars: The Bad Batch pretty soon, so we might forgive them. 

And once again, we get confused about which streaming service we can find our favorite titles on.

Check out all this and more in the latest episode of Streaming Wars!

We’re resuming our watching challenge next week, so stay tuned for that.

See you next week, and until then, happy streaming!