If you’ve watched the news, read Twitter, or any other form of media today, you know what’s happening in the United States. We here at That Hashtag Show are going to take the rest of the day off from news. Instead of putting out our brand of news, reviews, and other features, we’ll be going silent for the rest of the day.

This is a condemnation of violence, and quite frankly the terrorism on display in Washington D.C. today. This is not a political statement any longer. Peaceful protest is a core tenet of American Democracy. If you have an issue with the leading members of the Government whether that’s local, state, or federal, you have the right to protest. The events of today have moved far past that point. We won’t dignify these brazen attacks on American democracy with a response other than condemnation.

So make sure to keep your family close, to stay safe, and keep informed.