If you are a Star Wars fan more than likely at one point in your life you played with a lightsaber. From the official toys to sticks, kids and even adults, have pretended to be battling each other with lightsabers for a long time. Well, with the success of The Mandalorian and them bringing the Darksaber to live-action, of course you knew we would have one to play with. A few months ago Hasbro released their first Darksaber and people loved it. Well I guess not all people loved it. According to World Against Toys Causing Harm (W.A.T.C.H), the Darksaber is the most dangerous toy of 2020!

W.A.T.C.H.’s Statement On Hasbro’s Darksaber
HAZARD: POTENTIAL FOR BLUNT FORCE AND EYE INJURIES! W.A.T.C.H. OUT! Young children are encouraged to “SWING FOR BATTLE….!” with this “ancient, black bladed lightsaber” made of rigid plastic, with the potential for facial and other impact injuries.
To learn more about W.A.T.C.H.’s most dangerous toy list you can head over to toysafety.org.
The Hasbro Dark Saber
The Hasbro Darksaber is sold at most retailer and retails for $30. When you pull it up at walmart.com they have it listed as one of their Top-Rated by Kids toys. So, I guess if this is sitting under the tree for Christmas make sure to tell that special someone to be carful, or at least get them some Beskar Armor. We know now for a fact the Darksaber won’t cut through that! Oh yeah, also make sure if you do get one don’t point it a Grogu, you could just tell he was not a fan of that!

We Want To Hear From You
What are your thoughts on the Darksaber warning by W.A.T.C.H? Do you own one or are giving one as a gift? Also if you do have one what are you thoughts? Well, That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
You can tell us your thoughts on the Darksaber by leaving a comment below or hitting me up at starwarsnerd574. You can also join me at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics fan page to chat all things Star Wars. Also, make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com. More importantly be safe, I can’t wait to see you all at Celebration 2022.