It’s that time of year again. The leaves have fallen, there is a chill in the air, and families get together and watch a variety of Holiday Classics. I mean why not there are some amazing ones out there. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, and so many others. While these are all amazing there is one Holiday Special a lot of people try to forget, The Star Wars Holiday Special!

Star Wars Holiday Special
The Year was 1978, Star Wars: A New Hope was a smash hit, so why not follow it up with a Holiday Special? I mean what could go wrong? Well… on November 17th, 1978 we found out what could go wrong when the Star Wars Holiday Special aired on CBS. It was hated so much by the fans and even the actors it was never aired again in the US.
So to celebrate the Star Wars Holiday Special’s 42nd anniversary here is my Top 5 What The Fudge moments from this cult classic!

SEE ALSO: The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special Is A Must Watch On Life Day
TOP 5 WTF Holiday Special Moments
5. Jefferson Starship’s Music Video
I could of started anywhere in the Star Wars Holiday Special for this list. So lets just start with the Jefferson Starship’s “Light The Sky On Fire” Hologram Music Video. Why was this song picked? I have no idea, but I guess it made that Imperial Soldier happy.
4. The Cooking Show
Now you can’t have a Holiday Special without a cooking scene, and this one is no different. So, to our viewing pleasure we get to watch Chewbacca’s wife Malaatobuck cook up a dish called Bantha Suprise. Well, to make this Mallatobuck watches a cooking show featuring Chef Gormaanda, and all I can say is, “Stir Whip, Stir Whip, Whip, Whip Stir.”
3. Ackmena (Bea Arthur) Singing “Good Night, But Not Goodbye”
Ackmena having to close down the Cantina because of a Imperial curfew, gets a little pushback from customers that don’t want to leave. So what better way to clam them down, give them a free drink and sign a song to the Cantina Band Melody. Well it worked everyone left and that was about 5 minutes of our life we will never get back.
SEE ALSO: Happy Life Day, Star Wars Fans!
2. The Holiday Special Hologram Circus
This may have been the longest couple of minutes in the Holiday Special. All it is is watching Lumpy watching a hologram circus performance. Not only was it bad, the music was enough to make you go crazy.
1. Attichituk (Chewbacca’s Dad) and his Erotic Hologram
OK, that now brings us to the number 1 Star Wars Holiday Special WTF moment. If you have seen it then you probably guessed it… Chewbacca’s Dad and his Erotic Hologram.

I’m not even sure where to start with this scene. I guess my fist question would be, who thought this was a good idea? Here we are, watching a Holiday Special and there is Chewbacca’s Dad getting turned on by Mermeia (Diahann Carroll) musical performance of “This Minute”. I could just image the questions asked during this scene. So, “Happy Life Day, and I Mean HAPPY LIFE DAY!”
We Want To Hear From You
What are your thoughts on these Top 5 Star Wars Holiday Special WTF Moments? What would you add to your Top 5 list? Also be honest, how many times have you watched the Holiday Special? Well, That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
You can tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment below or hitting me up at starwarsnerd574. You can also join me at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics fan page to chat all things Star Wars. Also, make sure to stay up to date on all the Star Wars news by following us at More importantly be safe, I can’t wait to see you all at Celebration 2022.