In their most recent Black Friday announcements, GameStop not only gives us a preview of their deals for 2020, but also announces that they will actually stock the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles in-store. However, that comes with a big BUT.

Technically speaking, GameStop will actually have a trio of Black Friday sales. The first will be the Black Friday Countdown sale, going from November 14 to 21, and applying both in-store and online. The second will be the Black Friday Early Deals, going from November 22 to 25, and also applying to both physical stores and online. The third and final sale will be the actual Black Friday sale.

GameStop’s Black Friday sale comes in two parts. The online part of the sale starts on November 25 (8 PM CST), and the actual in-store sale will start on November 27 at 7 AM. Both sales will run until November 29. Thus, you have 2-4 days to take advantage of these offers, depending on how you choose to shop. Now then, let’s see what GameStop has to offer us gamers, shall we?
Limited In-Store Stock of PS5 and Xbox Series

Yes, you all read that right. In spite of the recent news that Sony will not stock stores with the PS5, GameStop is doing just that. However, there is a major caveat attached to this. According to the very fine print, each GameStop store will only have a minimum of two of each console upon opening. Meaning that only four consoles in totals will be available. Seriously, there’s no point waiting in long lines for this when you know that only four people total are going to get a console.
Not only that, each customer will be allowed one console each. This is a total count, by the way. It’s not one of each console. It’s one console period, regardless of whether it’s a PS5 or Xbox Series. So if you’re the type who has the money to burn for both consoles and you want to get both at once, well, you might want to look elsewhere.
Other GameStop Deals
As usual, GameStop will be offering discounts on a very wide selection of games. The discounts range from “Barely any money off the listed price” to “Holy crap, that’s over 50% off!”. So depending on what games you want, you may be in luck. Special mention for Star Wars: Squadrons for $16.99 (List Price: $39.99), Watch Dogs: Legion for $32.99 (List Price: $59.99), and Marvel’s Avengers for $26.99 (List Price: $59.99).
There are also various gaming accessories like headphone, controllers, and keyboards on sale. And, there’s also Nintendo Switch bundles on sale for $299.99. The bundle includes the console and controller themselves, but also a copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe plus three months of Nintendo Switch Online membership. If you’ve been looking to get a Switch to play games like Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Pikmin 3 Deluxe, this is your chance.
GameStop’s Black Friday sales this year is going to be just as discounting as their previous years. You know, in spite of that whole COVID-19 pandemic going around. Yeah, maybe that’s why they’re limiting the number of next-gen consoles to four per store, and one per customer. Still though, I foresee the online portion of the sale to be quite…busy.