You’re going to be back in the Oasis with Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline. The hugely popular science fiction novel that turned into a successful movie by Steven Spielberg is getting a sequel. At NYCC, details about the upcoming book’s plot came out. This November, we’ll all be able to see how the events of the first novel shape the second.
At a panel from NYCC, Cline showed off the abridged synopsis for the novel.
Are you ready? Days after winning OASIS founder James Halliday’s contest, Wade Watts makes a discovery that changes everything. Hidden within Halliday’s vaults, waiting for his heir to find, lies a technological advancement that will once again change the world and make the OASIS a thousand times more wondrous — and addictive — than even Wade dreamed possible. With it comes a new riddle, and a new quest — a last Easter egg from Halliday, hinting at a mysterious prize.
And an unexpected, impossibly powerful, and dangerous new rival awaits, one who’ll kill millions to get what he wants. Wade’s life and future of the OASIS are again at stake, but this time the fate of humanity also hangs in the balance. Lovingly nostalgic and wildly original as only Ernest Cline could conceive it, Ready Player Two takes us on another imaginative, run, action-packed adventure through his beloved virtual universe, and jolts us thrillingly into the future once again.
Ernest Cline from NYCC Panel On Ready Player Two
The new book will be a direct sequel to the original. Hopefully it lives up to the lofty expectations of the first! So, what do you think about the plot for Ready Player Two?
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Source: NYCC Panel