Unfortunately, The Legend Of Vox Machina won’t release until 2021. In the meantime, however, we’re getting an insider’s first look at the series. Producers recently revealed some of the art pieces that the animated series will feature when it arrives.
As fans know, Critical Role has been giving us a behind-the-scenes look into things with a web video series. The latest? The Legend Of The World Of The Legend Of Vox Machina.
In the latest episode, we are introduced to the art and design aspects of the animated series. The team at Titmouse Animation Studios have taken the locations we’ll get to see in the first season and have been turning them into amazing animation.
One of the most interesting aspects of the new BTS episode was getting to see the sketches of what Emon, the capital city of Tal’Dorei, is going to look like.

One Legend of Vox Machina location that we’re getting to visit for the first time is the Shale Steps. The Shale Steps is a seaside town where the cliffs and mountains look like a frozen wave waiting to hit the town.

It looks like we’re going to be getting some stunning forest imagery, as well.

First look at new locales in Legend of Vox Machina
The path leading into Whitestone is going to have lots of nature and foliage. And the artists also based a lot of this off of The Sierra Mountains inside of Yellowstone National Park.

We cannot talk about Whitestone without mentioning the Sun Tree. From it looks in these early sketches, it’s bound to look even cooler when the show premieres.

There will be a ton of buildings, shops, and so many other places for the crew of Vox Machina to explore within Whitestone.

One location that all of the fans are excited to visit is Gilmore’s Glorious Goods. The descriptions of the shop we had gotten all throughout campaign 1 only make us more excited about what we’re going to get in the series.

And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg of locations we’re getting in the animated series. There are still a ton more! It’s going to be interesting to see what the series looks like when it finally releases in 2021.