That’s right Ranger Nation, Boom Studios is putting another compilation of comics right in your face in a gorgeous new softcover available today! Check out these preview pages (Spoilers AHEAD)
A shocking traitor is revealed as the all-new OMEGA RANGERS-Jason, Zack and Trini-must turn to the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS to face the threat they never expected! But even as old friends and new allies join forces, can they put aside their mistrust to defeat an enemy with a mission to destroy EVERY Power Ranger in existence? New York Times bestselling author Ryan Parrott and artist Daniele Di Nicuolo deliver the next jaw-dropping chapter of the Power Rangers: Necessary Evil epic event that changes everything you thought you knew about the Power Rangers! Collects Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #44-47.
Press Release courtesy of Boom Studios
Check Out These Pages Below
Opening a tin can What kind of Zords are they! Its about to go down Shock and awe from Angel Groves finest THUD MORE THUDS Monster defeated Someone should teach them manners
During a huge fight in Angel Grove, our Rangers cant hold onto it much longer against Dayne. Suddenly the Omega Rangers swoop in with their very odd but powerful-looking Zords. Before you know it the battle is won! Rangers from both teams see each other helmet to helmet but our Earth-based heroes have no idea who these new kids on the block are. Before you know it the teleport away!
Back At The Command Center
WHAT was that! Look…. Tommys back ….. again
They’re sans Tommy are baffled as what just transpired. Jokes and quips are thrown around. Tommy returns no worse for wear. Zordon and Alpha keep sensors on the new Omega Rangers from deep space.
Further Out In Space
Peep hole on the boss UH OH we’re in trouble
Zedd is pissed! Once again another one of his glorious plans failed. But something is awry on the Omega Rangers ship.
BUT MOM! Can’t we say hi to our friends?
Duty-bound Jason tells the team that mingling with the Rangers on Earth is a bad idea. I wouldn’t say dissension in the ranks is afoot. But there is definite tension. Kiya the BAMF Blue Omega already has a chip on her shoulder, and that doesn’t bode well for team dynamics.
If you can’t tell by the cover art someone isn’t going to make it thru these issues because of their own issues.
Are you a collector of these Soft Cover volumes let us know in the comments below and stay tuned to THATHASHTAGSHOW for everything trending in geek and RANGER pop culture