DC’s Fandome has been filled with surprises. One of the surprises that was revealed before the event started was that Zack Snyder was getting a director’s cut of Justice League. The 2017 film was plagued with production problems and meddling from the Warner Brothers producers. Zack Snyder kicked off the panel thanking fans for getting this to happen. It started off with questions from fans. Ben Affleck gave us the first question. Snyder got a soft-ball with a question about his favorite hero. Snyder responded with Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen.
Henry Cavill was the next fan-question. He asked about the dynamic between the Justice League characters. The thread between the characters is that they’re all loners that come together to become a team. Ray Fisher had the next question. The character that Snyder is most interested in fleshing out in his version is Cyborg. Ezra Miller had the next question. He asked if we’re going to have more of The Flash in his cut of the film. Snyder said that people are going to see more of The Flash’s emotional arc in the film.
Patty Jenkins asked if Zack could hint at something in the new cut. Snyder hinted at seeing something with The Flash that you haven’t ever seen before. That was it for the hints from the director.
The Snyder Cut Gains Momentum
Fans were the ones that got this done. People made petitions. Billboards went up at Comic-Con and in Times Square. It was a slow-burn for Warner Bros to commit to the Snyder Cut. It gained almost a mythical status. This section of the panel went through some superfans that helped the movement gain steam. Zack Snyder was the one that was interviewing instead of the other way around. The movie is going to be four hours long. It’s coming to HBO Max in four parts. The panel was finished off with a teaser from the upcoming director’s cut.
All I can say about that is….HOLY CRAP. That looks fantastic. Compared the the dark, dreary, lifeless version of Justice League that released in 2017, this is a godsend. This was a major piece of hype. Zack Snyder’s directors cut of Justice League comes out next year on HBO Max.
What did you think of the new look at Justice League?
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