Fans of Venom and Wrestling are going to want to check out this Variant Venom #28 cover from Frankie’s Comics. This week Frankie’s announced their Venom #28 cover by artist Kael Ngu. This cover features Venom putting the smack down on Spider-Man, and is holding the Symbiote Title Belt (well that’s what I’m calling it). This cover will be available at on Saturday the 22nd at 2pm EST. I also suggest you head over to their Facebook page for more details on how to get this amazing cover.

Venom #28 Variant Cover By Kael Ngu
Venom putting the “Smack Down” on Spider-Man! Kael Ngu thank you for the awesome cover. Sales start on Saturday at 2:00 PM EDT. More details to come. Venom #28 🤼
@kaelngu #kaelngu#venom#wearevenom#wrestlingfan#wweraw
Can You Smell What The Frankie’s Is Cooking?!
What are you thoughts on this Venom #28 variant cover? Is this a must have for your comic collection. Also what are some of your favorite comic shops you go to for their variant exclusives? Well That Hashtag Show wants to hear from you!
You can tell us your thoughts on this cover by leaving a comment below, or by hitting us up on Twitter or myself @starwarsnerd574. Also, make sure to stay up to date on all the Marvel news by following us at and the Marvel Fanatics on Facebook.
Source: Frankie’s Comics