Riverdale previously announced the show would mix up the upcoming season with a five year time jump. Now we’ve learned exclusively that this results in a few key relationship shakeups. Namely, Veronica will be married after the time jump – and no, not to Archie.
Veronica’s husband is none other than Chad Gekko. If you’ve only seen Riverdale, you probably just said, who? But to Katy Keene viewers the name may ring a bell, as he appeared in two episodes of the Riverdale spinoff.
In Katy Keene, Chad Gekko is a client of Pepper’s and an investor in the Pepper Plant. On the show Chad was played by Reid Prebenda. However, Riverdale has issued a casting call for Chad, so it doesn’t look like Prebenda will reprise his role.

Here’s the casting description:
[CHAD GEKKO] Male, 20s. White. Chad is Veronica’s controlling and neurotic husband who works on Wall Street. Though charming, his failed Ponzi scheme and shady deals with Hiram reveal his moral duplicity, putting Chad’s life in danger. RECURRING GUEST STAR.
There’s definitely similarities between Keene’s Gekko and the casting call for Riverdale. At this point, it’s unclear if some of Chad’s other unsavory character traits from Katy Keene will crop up in Riverdale. (Namely, his coke addiction and prison stint.)
Another Riverdale romance shakeup

Veronica isn’t the only one with a new love life.
After the time jump, Jughead will have a new girlfriend. (Sorry, Bughead shippers!) Riverdale is now casting the role of Jessica, Jughead’s live-in girlfriend. Check out the casting description for more details below:
[JESSICA] Female, 20s, Open ethnicity. A train-wreck-y hipster, Jessica is Jughead’s live-in girlfriend. Jessica makes no secret of the fact that she’s done with their relationship, since she can see that she’s not as important to him as the book he’s not writing. RECURRING GUEST STAR.
What about Archie?
No word yet on any new beaus for Archie or Betty. Does that mean they’re actually together? For now, we’ll just have to wait and see.
What we do know about Archie is season five finds him following his military ambitions. Plus, an old Army buddy of Archie’s will return with him to Riverdale. Read the casting details below and check out our video for more information.
[ERIC JACKSON] Male, 20s. Open ethnicity. A veteran who lost his leg and suffered third degree burns while fighting in the Army with Archie. Ironically, Eric joins Archie to help run the fire department in Riverdale. But Eric is still dealing with his own trauma, which leads him into a darker place. ACTORS WHO ARE LEG AMPUTEES ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT… RECURRING GUEST STAR.
[BUS DRIVER] Male, 40s, any ethnicity. Drives the bus Archie takes out to the Army. Takes his job seriously but still pulls over when Archie’s friends want to give a final goodbye…
[OFFICER BRADSHAW] Male, 30s, any ethnicity. Works the Army recruitment table at Riverdale High. Happily gives Archie information about the Army but stresses the seriousness of the commitment…
For more exclusive updates, be sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.
Do bughead get back together?
I wish I could somehow tell the writers how much us Bughead shippers care about Bughead
I am SO USPET that Betty and Jughead will not be together not watching the show ANYMORE unless they get together again!!!!!
They will get together. The creators confirmed they are endgame so just watch the show.
The writers also confirmed at the start of the show that Barchie is endgame. “Betty and Archie aren’t dating, but they are, endgame”. I hope bug head never gets back together and that Barchie happens because they are the purest that love gets. I know there are a lot of bughead shippers but I honestly think think that you guys only like bughead because you like Cole Sprouse (who really is not that good looking at all. KJ Apa beats him). So, if that is the reason you ship bughead, you should just ship Barchie. They are meant to be together, always have been, always will be. #Barchie
Yes but besides what happened in the 4th season, they never happen. If there is anyone to be mad at it is Archie since, in the beginning, he shot Betty down. And thank god she came to her senses and realized that she loves jughead, not Archie. Archie may not love Veronica and is just dating her that way it doesn’t seem like he is waiting for Betty, Bughead is real! Get used to it. They probably are gonna get back together. But another reason why Barchie won’t happen is that it will destroy the core 4 because I bet that Jughead and Veronica will be very upset, sorry hon, maybe next show!!!!!!
I would like to point out the many grammar mistakes you made, I won’t wast my time. Barchie happens in almost every episode with the eye contact, inside jokes and deep understanding of each other. So, it wasn’t just in season 4, it was also in season 2 (and like I said, almost every other episode filmed). No disrespect inteded but you are wrong with almost every single thing you said. Barchie is literally the best ship out there and I think in season 5 it will happen because the writers and every Riverdale fan that isn’t a bughead shipper is tired of the boring old, no chemistry, non electric bughead. Barchie is full of the things that a good ship should have like, love, chemistry, electricity, passion, and closeness that Betty will never with any one else but Archie. Reply to this comment if you agree😇
You are so right
Well actually I’be learned for Cole BECAUSE of Jughead so I don’t like Bughead because of him I don’t even like him that much so I wish that Betty and Jughead are together.
Well actually I’ve learned for Cole BECAUSE of Jughead so I don’t like Bughead because of him I don’t even like him that much so I wish that Betty and Jughead are together.
Same here
They do in episode 25. It’s confirmed that he breaks up with jessica and in episode 25 he gets together with Betty and have sex
Ummmmm… I think the last part wasn’t needed 😳😳😳😳
had to be tht spesific at the end lol but if it does happen i will continue to watch it
I think they break up and then get back together because they miss each other and then they get married
same ima finish this season and if they dont get back together i will never watch it and ima tell my tiktok and if i get hate for it idrc bc riverdale is ruined
Wth Riverdale will be losing viewers if bughead isn’t together
I very much agree
Please bring bughead back together we don’t want to have Jughead with Jessica
They’re gonna break up. It says in the description that her and jughead and hanging on by a thread because of the book he is -not- writing.
How can I send my application to audition for the new characters of the series ?
-Abri- Dude same! I literally said the same thing to my sister when u heard that there was going to be a season 5 😂
I hope Archie and Betty get together.Its time for a new perspective and to let go of the old high school fantasies .
They’re seriously killing off Bughead just because Lili and Cole broke up?? Whatever… as long as Jughead Jones is still alive and I get to see Cole’s handsome mug, I’ll continue to watch it….
Yes true but to ruin the show and loose so many fans only because a break up ummm?
But what abt Choni what’s going to happen to them and the twins and grandma Rose. Will we see less of choni because Vanessa is pregnant with her baby boy ?
I don’t know but I hope not 🤞
Its just a couple In a tv show, stop this drama. „I wont watch it!!!” Grow up
It’s not just that you can’t see how much this means to everyone
Even if it’s a couple in a tv show, that doesn’t mean it’s not importanr
Like WTF everyone likes Bughead and will be upset if they break up like I barely survived Cole and Lili’s break up but Betty and Jug’s this is too much.
obviously bughead will get back together. everyone is saying no one will watch anymore, but the idea is that everyone will watch to see what happens, and in the end they’ll get back together and everyone will be happy.
Archie and vee will break up, jughead and bee, then Archie gets into a relationship with Betty and they get married
I would like to know what’s going to happen to Kevin and Cheryl and Toni
It says that Jug and Jessica will break up (and betty’s Not dating anyone) so bughead will get back together. AND the writers of riverdale HEAVILY implied that bughead get married soooo
bughead will get together again. riverdale will lose soooooo many views including me. bughead forever
BUGHEAD HAS TO GET BACK TOGETHER Everyone will be so upset if they doesn’t apparently jughead proposed sooo…..
Riverdale is nothing without bughead
A family member works on the show bughead will be endgame in season 5 they just want to stir things up. Barchie isn’t going to happen and they are barely friends at all in season 5.
Ok that is good thanks for the information😊😊😊
Give me proof
Jesshead sucks and y’all are idiots if you don’t agree Bughead is endgame
Yesss you are right😊
WTF? Why writers? Is this because Cole and Lily broke up that you are breaking up Bughead? This sounds like a double jump the shark move by the writers. Why would Veronica marry a guy just like her father? Very few fans want Barchi. Don’t do it! None of these spoilers sound like anything I want to watch. I will probably not watch the show anymore. It sounds like the writers have totally run out of ideas.
I actually want to cry rn. Big head is end game and they can not be over. Veronica is ment to be with Archie and that is that. They can not do this. I feel like I’m going to HATE this season and it’s probably gonna make me not like Riverdale 😭😭😭
I know how you feel Varchie is meant to be and Bughead is meant to be. If not the shw is going downhill.
not to burst ur buble but you would like it till episode 3 cause its all fun and exciting until episode 3 i was crying all night abt then my mom said “its just a tv show dont let it make you cry.” and i rlly rlly wanted to scream “ITS NOT JUST SOME TV SHOW IT HELPED ME MAKE ME WHO I AM TODAY IT WAS MY WHOLE LIFE.” 3 things helped make me who i am riverdale hogwart and my bro’s but my mom took my bro’s away from me, riverdale is completly ruined now so i have 1 thing left and tht thing is hogwarts but i am working on getting my bro’s back
Bughead need to stay together. Varchie need to stay together.Fans are going to be disapointed if Bughead and Varchie are endgame.
noooooooooooooooooooooooo i need bughead they are perfect together maybe they will even get back togther irl i need bughead
i woud sugesst watching episode 3 with tissues and something to scream in i was crying all night abt it and i still am during school my mom told me to not let a tv show to upset me this much its just a tv show and i wanted to scream “NO ITS NOT JUST SOME TV SHOW IT WAS WHAT MADE ME WHO I AM TODAY ANDIT WAS MY WHOLE LIFE.” and 3 things made me who i am today riverdale (ruined now so far), hogwarts (still have), and my bro’s ( parents took away but ill find a way to get them back) and now im add vampire diares
no first of all Cole Sprouse is very good looking he’s amazing and loves Lilli in real life. Bughead is the perfect couple they are soul mates just as Veronica and Archie are soulmates literally perfect for each other. Varchie and Bughead is the way it should be and the way it will end up. there are more bughead fans then varchie way more and you relize your comment can really ruin sum moods and i get its your opinion but seriously no one asked so just stop