BOOM STUDIOS! hits us back to back with another huge announcement. This time about the newly form OMEGA RANGERS! They are getting their own comic!
For those of you who don’t recall Jason, Zack, and Trini we to a peace conference 25 years ago on the show. Well, the folks at BOOM had another idea and used that story as a cover to create a whole new team of rangers in outer space called the Omega Rangers. They have had a few stories so far in the current run Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. But this other half of the UNLIMITED POWER storyline will be a combination of the new MIGHTY MORPHIN comic and this POWER RANGERS. Both debuting at the same time! Mighty Morphin will be the EARTH based Rangers while Power Rangers will be about the Omega Rangers.
We have a lot of lead up to go with our current stories to see how this sets up for both new series. but the big question of this writer’s mind is ARE we going to get a Blue Omega Ranger again?! Kiya the new Blue Omega Ranger turned evil and was taken care of. But this new team has powers based on the four elements? Will this play into effect with one power missing?
“We’ve spent several years building out the Power Rangers comic book universe and continuing the adventures of the Omega Rangers gives us a chance to fully explore it beyond the confines of the show. Not only can we add more heroes and villains but we can also bring in elements from future seasons viewed through the lens of familiar characters. It’s very exciting to explore new corners of the Power Rangers universe that fans have always imagined – and also never expected!”
Ryan Parrott Writer of Power Rangers
Speaking of Unexpected
How is Lord Drakkon who is back as of the newest issue #51 hitting shelves this week going to play into the story for both teams?
Dafna Pleban, Senior Editor, BOOM! Studios
“Lord Drakkon is back but will he save the Power Rangers…or does he have a darker plan in mind? Introducing the Omega Rangers allowed us to reveal a huge piece of Power Rangers history – and POWER RANGERS #1 answer questions you never thought to ask!”
Variant Cover Main cover but lets be hoenst more variants are sure to come because its Power Rangers
Fans who attend the BOOM! Studios Mighty Morphin/Power Rangers Panel on July 25, 2020 at 1:00 pm PT on the Comic-Con@Home website will get a very special preview of never-before-seen art as well as behind-the-scenes information about the series and what’s in store for readers! More details at
What do you think about the two forthcoming series? are you excited to see our ranger universe expand?! let us know in the comments below and join us on our Facebook Page. Stay tuned to Thathashtagshow for everything trending in geek and RANGER pop culture!