Javicia Leslie is the CW’s new Batwoman.

The CW has announced Javicia Leslie as their new Batwoman. Known for her role as Ali on CBS’s God Friended Me, Leslie will be filling in the role as Batwoman. Leslie is filling for Ruby Rose, who stepped away from the role earlier this year. 

Upon the announcement, Leslie said, “I am extremely proud to be the first Black actress to play the iconic role of Batwoman on television, and as a bisexual woman, I am honored to join this groundbreaking show, which has been such a trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ community.” 

That Hashtag Show reported earlier about not only Kate Kane’s fate, but the first scenes of Ryan Wilder on the show. You can read both of those, here, and here.

The Rise of Ryan Wilder

As Rose’s character, Kate Kane exits, Leslie’s character of Ryan Wilder enters. The character of Wilder has been rumored to make an appearance in the show for months now. And now, it is official that Ryan Wilder will debut in Season 2 of Batwoman, premiering in January. 

Who is Wilder?

The character of Ryan Wilder is rather different than Kate Kane. Wilder is described as “a little goofy and untamed.” Wilder has an atypical origin story than most heroes. Before wearing the Batwoman suit, Wilder spent years as a drug-runner and escaping from the police. However, now she lives in her van, stealing milk for alley cats, and is known to be a “highly skilled and wildly undisciplined” fighter. 

In an interview last month, showrunner Caroline Dries said, “To be honest with you, I did consider the soap opera version for a hot minute, selfishly, because we had a couple episodes already written, and transition-wise, it would be seamless [since] we already started breaking season 2. But upon further reflection, and Greg helped me make this call and he’s way smarter than me about this sort of stuff, he’s like ‘You know, I think we should just reboot the character in terms of reboot Batwoman as a different character.’ Just to also respect everything that Ruby put into the Kate Kane character.” 

I think it’s exciting to see the character of Batwoman in a new light. But what do you think? Are you excited for the new season of Batwoman? Are you a fan of Javicia Leslie? Let us know!

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Source: Comicbook.com