Josh Cooley is directing a new Transformers animated prequel movie.

The Basics
Hasbro and Paramount Pictures have selected Josh Cooley to direct a new Transformers animated movie. Cooley is best known for his work directing some of the greatest Pixar movies ever made. His best works so far include: The Incredibles (2004), Ratatouille (2007), Up (2009), Inside Out (2015), and Toy Story 4 (2019). Critics and average audiences alike give these movies great reviews. Heck, I’ve watched all of those movies, and I give all of them a solid recommendation for anyone who’s a fan of animated movies period. Thus, I have high hopes for this latest Transformers movie, very high hopes indeed.
Unfortunately, very few details about this new movie were released in the original article, other than the fact that Josh Cooley is now the director. It doesn’t even have a title, cast list, or release date yet. What we do know is just bare bones plot detail. It’s a prequel movie set to take place in Cybertron during the days when it hadn’t been blown to smithereens. It’s supposed to revolve around the relationship between Optimus Prime and Megatron during the days they’d been close friends. Since we all know how that ended, I think it’s safe to say that this will be a fairly dramatic film.

In addition, the producers have made it clear that this movie is separate from the live action movies, taking place in a different continuity altogether. Given the…mixed reaction the live action movies have been given, this is definitely a good thing.

More Transformers?
This movie might be problematic for fans of Transformers. A Transformers TV series depicting the same subject will be released this year. Netflix will release Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy: Siege in June 2020. Only 6 episodes of this TV series has been slated for release so far. The trailer looks promising though. The animation is pretty high quality, and the plot looks intriguing.
Whether this TV series will conflict or build upon the upcoming movie remains to be seen. One thing’s for sure though: we’re getting a whole bunch of Transformers media soon.
Our little COVID-19 problem could affect this untitled Transformers movie. Given how no one wants to get within social distance of a movie theater these days, it might very well be a direct-to-video release for this little movie. Fortunately, with Josh Cooley directing it, it’ll sure to be a blast.
Source: comicbook