Prop Store is known for its collectibles, especially when it comes to Star Wars. They brought us screen used Han Solo costumes and some of the hardest to find action figures on the planet. Well, get ready to open those wallets once again. Now you have a chance to own some of the rarest Star Wars posters in the world.

The posters come from the personal collections of film producer Howard Kazanjian and special effects cinematographer Richard Edlud. Both worked extensively on the original Star Wars trilogy from 1977 to 1983. The Star Wars posters from their collection represent some of the now-rarest to find, though that wasn’t always the case. In one instance, a One-Sheet style poster (pictured above) originally sold for a scant $1.75 at San Diego Comic-Con… in 1976. Its estimated worth today is over $2,000 (US).
Rare Star Wars posters hit the auction block

Also up for auction is a “Revenge of the Jedi” unused promotional design, and a “Style B” Studio Style One-Sheet for The Empire Strikes Back. According to Prop Store, this is a true rarity among Star Wars posters of this nature. “Printed in much lower numbers, this version of the poster is incredibly scarce.” Though rare, this seems a relative bargain with an estimated price of only $350 (US).
The real treat of the auction, however, is one of the rarest posters ever produced. This once will set you back, though; online bidding is already over $4,250 (US):

A beautiful rolled example of one of the rarest and most sought after Star Wars posters originally produced in 1977, the Hildebrandt Brothers version for George Lucas’ “Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope”. After a very limited release (1-2 weeks) this poster was withdrawn and replaced with the more commercial Style C featuring Tom Chantrell’s artwork. A firm favourite with fans and more in keeping with the fantasy aspects of Lucas’ space saga. Presented here in original unrestored condition, this rolled (as issued) example looks magnificent; pure whites and deep unfaded dark colour tones. This version was rated 5.0/6.0 by for rarity, making it the second rarest Star Wars poster ever, and given a 10/10 rarity rating by the industry bible for Star Wars posters, Stephen Sansweet’s aptly named “Star Wars Poster Book”.”
If you want to get your hands on one of these or the multiple other Star Wars posters available, you can do so online or by phone. The full auction takes place April 23, 2020. You can see the full lot and get more details at the Prop Store’s auction website HERE.
Good luck, bidders. May the Force be with you.