Kevin Smith and He-Man
Kevin relaunching He-Man

Netflix reported it will spend around $17.3 billion this year in content on a cash basis, according to a new forecast by Wall Street firm BMO Capital Markets. We are now starting to get a glimpse on how Netflix will spend this money. The voice cast of Kevin Smith’s forthcoming anime He-Man was recently announced, and boy did they spend a pretty penny on this! Take a look at this He-Man talent pool:

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He-Man Cast: The Dark Side

Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill
Batman and Joker Join Forces

This cast boasts not one but TWO major voice talents from the acclaimed Batman Animated Series. First of all we have someone who not only revived his career in front of the camera by bringing Luke Skywalker back to life but is also finding major voice talent roles such as in the recent Netflix relaunch Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, Mark Hamill. Hamill spent years as the signature voice of the Joker in the Batman cartoons. In that same series Kevin Conroy developed the signature voice of Batman. The two will join forces in this new anime as Skeletor and Mer-Man.

Joining these two as the queen of evil, Evil-Lyn, is the actress who played perhaps the most evil queen in history on HBO’s Game of Thrones, Lena Headey. I do not know if anyone could find a more perfect talent for the role.

He-Man Cast – The Good Guys

Chris Wood may not be an instantly recognizable name, but starred in both the Vampire Diaries and the CW’s Supergirl. Ironies being rampant in this cast, along side the vampire is none other than the slayer herself, Sarah Michelle Gellar. Gellar became a star as Buffy Summers, the vampire slayer, but she also brought live action Daphne to the big screen and did voice work in Star Wars: Rebels.

Once again light imitates dark. Where the dark side cast the queen of evil from Game of Thrones, star star Liam Cunningham, also from GoT, will bring He-Man buddy Man-At-Arms to life.

Netflix Aiming Big!

If this He-Man cast shows us anything, Netflix is not screwing around when it comes to voicing talent. He-Man, Dark Crystal and more are showing Netflix pursues some serious talent for its shows. Voice work, while important, could be a place where Netflix could save money. Instead Netflix proved once again it wants only the best talent in its shows.

He-Man should release later this year in 2020.