The brand new Stranger Things trailer is finally out! Now it’s not a full season trailer, but it does answer one HUGE question from the last season. So that means GARGANTUAN HUMONGOUS SEASON 3 SPOILERS AHEAD.
Stranger Things Season 3 Spoiler Ahead

Okay, I warned you.
After the events of season three, audiences were horrified and bewildered about what happened to Sheriff Hopper. This trailer and the finale to season 3 give us at least his whereabouts. We just don’t know how he got to Russia. He survived the explosion in the underground base.
This is great news for fans. Sure, it robs us of the surprise factor of wondering if he’s still alive while sitting down to watch the first episode of season 4. That just means instead of worrying or wondering if Hopper is alive or dead, we now have the answer. Audiences can debate how he got there now. They can question how he’s going to escape this Russian prison camp.
I am completely psyched for this upcoming season. Every season of Stranger Things has continued to outdo itself. Starting small with the first season, and then blowing up with the effects and subplots of the third season. The show has evolved through its cycle of just imitating 80’s pop culture. It’s grown into its own universe that just happens to be set during the 80’s. It’s a massive achievement for Netflix. Finally, it’s a thrill to watch, and I can’t wait to see where they go next.
What’re your theories about where they go from here? How do they get to Russia in the first place?
For more on Strangers Things 4, Sheriff Hopper, Netflix, or any other general pop culture, make sure to check back to That Hashtag Show.