The Bushfire Hero Special Edition Funko Pop!
The Bushfire Hero Special Edition Funko Pop!

Purchase this limited edition Funko Pop and help a great cause!

Funko! and PopCultcha, Australia’s largest online pop-culture store, are teaming up to bring out a limited edition Funko Pop as a fundraiser for injured Australian wildlife. One hundred percent of he purchase price of this limited edition Pop goes to the RSPCA and their efforts to help relief efforts.

Australia Funko
Limited edition Funko! of a Koala with an Aussie Firefighter

“All proceeds from this product will go toward RSPCA National Bushfire Appeal. The RSPCA are working alongside government and emergency agencies, veterinarians and local authorities to provide much needed equipment and supplies, emergency care and identifying and assessing injured animals in need of assistance.”

Funko press release

The Australian Wildfires

Whether you believe in climate change or not doesn’t matter in this case. Climate conditions were ripe for fires, and some awful meat bags (I am reluctant to call them humans), decided to commit arson. As of January 8th, 2020, twenty-four people have been arrested in connection with starting these devastating fires. Estimates say the blazes have killed 23 people with another 28 missing, and over half-a-billion animals. Think about that… in numbers, that translates to 500,000,000. Gone. Snuffed out. And for what?

A Joey escapes the flames
A joey escapes the flames

All of us here at That Hashtag Show, especially myself, salute the efforts of Funko!, the RSPCA, PopCultcha, and everyone working with the people and wildlife affected by this horrible tragedy. We are especially grateful for the firefighters working to get these blazes under control.

New South Wales, Australia - Funko
New South Wales, Australia

Funko Pop: I bought one. Will you?

I personally work with injured birds of prey here in the United States, so I know a little about what it takes to care for an wounded animal. I cannot imagine the injuries my wildlife rehab brothers and sisters are seeing in the Land Down Under as a result of these catastrophic fires.

An injured Koala Bear from the Australian Wildfires - Funko
An injured Koala Bear from the Australian Wildfires

As I’m writing this, I went ahead an purchased the Special Edition Funko. It doesn’t matter if I ever get it. I don’t even collect Funkos. It’s simply a small way I was able to help. In case you are so inclined, the end cost for shipping to the U.S. was $22. I think that’s a paltry sum for all the good those funds will do to help. Injured animals require specialized care. Every little bit will help. The ordering process was simple, and the Pops are expected to ship in June 2020.

A juvenile Roo with burned paws from the Queensland fires
A juvenile Roo with burned paws from the Queensland fires

To purchase your Special Edition Funko, please click here.

Orphaned joeys in handmade pouches
Orphaned joeys in handmade pouches

I also made a donation to the RSPCA. I’m not rich by any stretch, but I would ask you to consider it if you can. It was important for me to do so because of my personal involvement in wildlife rescue. I have no doubt, the recipients would be grateful for anything you could spare.

To make a donation to the RSPCA, please click here.

RSPCA volunteers work with animals on Kangaroo Island, Australia
RSPCA volunteers work with animals on Kangaroo Island, Australia

Thank you Hashtaggers, and as a personal plea from yours truly, please say a prayer to your Deity of choice on behalf of the animals and people affected by this disaster, and consider buying a Pop. Thank you.

“To do more for the world than the world does for you, that is success.”

Henry Ford
Special edition Australian funko

Source: Funko Press Release