OK Star Wars fans if you have not read any of the comics in the past, now is the time to start. Marvel has just started its new Star Wars series and wow the first two books have been amazing. Marvel is going back to the post The Empire Strikes Back era and I couldn’t be more excited. This new canon series by Charles Soule picks up as Luke Skywalker loses his hand and is told by Darth Vader that he is Luke’s father.
Warning Mild Star Wars Comics Spoilers Ahead!

Star Wars Number 1
So, have you ever wanted to know what happens after Han Solo was frozen in carbonite and Luke lost his hand? Well this Marvel Star Wars comic series is like getting a The Empire Strikes Back part 2. Well, we learn that it wasn’t easy sailing for Luke, Leia, Lando, and Chewbacca after they left Cloud City. We also get to see how Luke is struggle with the whole Vader is his father thing and has some issues holding his feelings in and is filled with self-doubt.

Star Wars #1 also introduces us to a new Imperial Commander named Zahra who isn’t on the best of terms with Darth Vader by the end of the comic. But who ever is in the best of terms with him? Also the story focuses more on our favorite gambler Lando Calrissian after Han Solo was given to Boba Fett. Lando and the rest of the crew on the Falcon definitely make for an interesting story as tensions are high . Also, during this comic, we are reintroduced to Poe Damerons’s parents Kes and Shara, who from the way it looks will be playing a major role in this series.
Star Wars Number 2
So, here the Star Wars comic book excitement continues. We get more on how the crew feels about Lando at the time but at the same time they also realize that they need his help in trying to track down Han Solo. Lando who we learn has some connections on Tatooine and returns there. On his way Lando may have hit a few speed bumps while trying to complete his mission.

We also get to see Luke right after he receives his new hand. Still having doubts about himself he keeps flashing back to his battle with Vader when he lost his hand and still not wanted to believe that Vader is his father. Now I’m not going to go into too much detail but… it looks like we may finally see what happens with Luke’s Lightsaber in this series.
My Thoughts on the New Comics
So far, I have loved everything about these comics. As I read them it felt like it was picking up from where The Empire Strikes Back left off. Charles Soule does a great job in telling the story. What I also found interesting about this series is that the High Republic was mention again. I wont spoil it for you but that is twice now in two of the newer comic series, the other being The Rise of Kylo Ren series. The art was also great in these books. Jesus Saiz killed it with the detail and story telling through pictures. It just pulled you right into the story.

We want to hear from you
Have you started to read this series yet, and if so, what are your thoughts about it? Also, what is your your favorite Star Wars comic series? Of course, I also have to ask, do you try to get all the variant covers or just one book to read?
You can tell us your thoughts about this comic series or others by hitting us up on Twitter or myself @starwarsnerd574. You can also join my page at the Midwest Star Wars Fanatics to chat all things about the galaxy far, far away. Also, make sure to stay up to date on all news by following us at ThatHashtagShow.com and the Star Wars Fanatics on Facebook. I can’t wait to see you all this year at Celebration.