Star Wars leaks and rumors can be funny. Not so much funny “ha ha,” but rather funny in the sense that there are so many, from so many sources, that determining their veracity is nearly impossible. Still, there are those that ring with far greater truth than expected. Take, for example, the leaked Rise of Skywalker plot. That leak, some three and a half months before the film’s release, was spot on. Now we have another rumor that’s sparked a Snyder-esque controversy for Star Wars…. And it’s lead to a new, trending hashtag: #ReleasetheJJcut.

Multi-genre fans understand this. These days you can’t mention the film Justice League without simultaneously hearing the phrase “release the Snyder cut.” It’s widely believed that there exists a cut of Justice League that far better tells its story than the version the studio released to theaters. It seems that #ReleasetheJJcut supporters believe that director J.J. Abrams may be grasping an oar in the same boat as Zach Snyder.
#ReleasetheJJcut – Another version of The Rise of Skywalker?
According to a recent Reddit post (see it HERE), Abrams was not happy, and was frankly surprised at the final product that he watched for the first time with those of us in the Dolby theater at the premiere on December 16th. According to the source, the final film was much shorter than Abrams’ preferred version, and cut multiple scenes Abrams thought were crucial to the film. That included an extended scene between Rey and Kylo Ren, and multiple scenes featuring Rose Tico. When word of all of this broke, #ReleasetheJJcut was born.

Now, as always, take rumors for what they are: rumors. However, in this case, there definitely appears to be a significant bit of truth to this particular leak. The comments about Rose certainly track with her reduced role in the film, and find support in Kelly Marie Tran’s statements in a recent interview. (We’ll tell you more about that in a separate article.) Yes, perhaps there’s something to this #ReleasetheJJcut movement, after all.

While most fans I’ve spoken with very much enjoyed the film, a common sentiment is that much of it felt bloated and rushed. That Abrams had a different, longer version of The Rise of Skywalker likely addressing those issues certainly makes sense. Read the leak above, and then let us know what you think. Will you join team #ReleasetheJJcut?
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is now playing. For more information on the film, and Star Wars in general, visit