If you’re like me, you had your reservations about a Ghostbusters sequel. The Paul Feig reboot in 2016 missed the mark. Ghostbusters 2 is an inferior movie to the original, but what can top the magic of the first film? Nothing. Until now. Vanity Fair got an exclusive look at the new characters for the film, Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Why the new characters? Because it’s more fun to learn about the old characters that you know and love in due time. This next movie is going to hinge on the newcomers. Classic Ghostbusters fans might hate hearing that, but it’s the truth. Our heroes are aging or in some cases, no longer with us (RIP Harold Ramis). The world needs some new blood from the Ghostbusters.

Courtesy of Sony Pictures.
Who’s New In Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Starting off with someone sort of new and old at the same time. Jason Reitman, Ivan’s son, is writing and directing the film. Ivan Reitman, the original director of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 is serving as a producer on the film. The story revolves around a family that just uprooted itself to a small town in Oklahoma. Carrie Coon plays the mother, Callie, Finn Wolfhard plays her son Trevor, and McKenna Grace plays her daughter Phoebe. They inherited this property from a father/grandfather they never knew (that’s probably your first hint of an original Ghostbuster).
The film refers to the events of the original as the “Manhattan Crossrip of 1984”. So that has likely been forgotten to all by this time except one person in town. A summerschool science teacher named Mr. Grooberson played by Paul Rudd. He’s obsessed with the “Manhattan Crossrip of 1984” because he was there as a kid when it happened.

Courtesy of Sony Pictures.
Much like the Millennium Falcon in early trailers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the Ecto-1 is just as much of an old friend and character. Just the sight of the classic vehicle from the teaser trailer brought me goosebumps. Trevor somehow finds the old car in a barn on the family property. It remains to be seen just who left the car and the rest of the Ghostbusters tech for the family to find. It’ll be exciting in the same way it was to see our old friends from Star Wars on screen one last time. I’m expecting big things from this third Ghostbusters film. The trailer for the film releases on Monday, December 9th.
What do you think is going to happen in Ghostbusters: Afterlife? Let us know in the comments or on Facebook! For more on the upcoming film or any other general pop culture, check back to That Hashtag Show.