Borderlands 3

Image courtesy of: Gearbox Studios and 2K Games.
Borderlands 3 is the next iteration in the loot hunting, vault finding, twitch shooting series from Gearbox. The series went away for awhile following Borderlands 2, Tales from the Borderlands, and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. It returns triumphantly this fall with the third and most crazy iteration so far.
Pandora was the setting for the first two games in the series. Now you’ll be vault-hunting on a series of planets on the edge of the galaxy. A cult called the Children of the Vault is your newest enemy to tackle in this installment. If you’ve played the Borderlands series before, you’ll know that you need to pick a Vault Hunter before you play. This game adds four new ones to the mix in: Moze, Zane, Amara, and Fl4k. These Hunter’s each have different skills for different playstyles.
With a game as massive as Borderlands 3 you’re going to want to play with friends to hunt down loot together. It offers four player hop-in co-op, which means you don’t all have to be the same level to have fun playing with your friends. Borderlands 3 releases September 13th.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Image courtesy of: Activision and Infinity Ward
Now for the biggest game of the fall season. There used to be a time when a Call of Duty release would make every other developer have to move their games around the release. Call of Duty hasn’t been the top dog in the industry in awhile. Activision is set on changing that. Enter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Infinity Ward is back at the helm for this installment of the long-running series. That means that their care and passion for the game is back as well. Call of Duty has been lacking some sort of direction from a lead developer in the most recent games in the series. Modern Warfare promises to live up to the past games in the series. The classic multiplayer formula is back. With the new Gunsmith replacing classic classes. With over 30 guns and more than 100 attachments and perks for guns, you’ll be hard-pressed to not find a configuration that fits you. For more details on the multiplayer check here.
Also returning is the single player campaign. Infinity Ward has been tight-lipped about just what goes full into this campaign but you’ll surely be in for an action-fest. The world is going to crap and your team needs to stop the bad guys. That’s as simple as it gets, but simplicity works.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare releases October 25th on Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Final Thoughts
That’s it! Those are the ten games you have to play this upcoming fall and winter season. Are there any missing? Are there any you don’t think should be there? Comment and follow That Hashtag Show and That Gaming Show on Facebook.