CM Punk’s Wrestling History
CM Punk will be doing a meet-and-greet at Starrcast very near the AEW event, All Out.
Phil Brooks aka CM Punk was one of the biggest indie wrestling stars of all time. He transitioned this fame into a successful run in the WWE. However, in 2014 Punk left WWE and pro wrestling.
Punk tried his hand at MMA and fought 0-2 in the UFC. Even though Punk has been out of wrestling since 2014 fans still want to know if he will return one day. However, Punk has been very vocal about not returning to wrestling. The only time Punk has been seen in a ring was a few months back when he rushed the ring at an indie show in a mask and delivered the GTS and ran.
Fans have long suggested that if he returns it won’t be for the WWE, but a viable number two promotion was not around. However, AEW has entered the picture and they have the top indie guys and girls in the world. Why not include an indie legend?

CM Punk’s ESPN Interview
Punk did an interview with ESPN and spoke about why he chose to do Starrcast.
ESPN: You’re doing Starrcast. Why is the timing right, and why did you decide to do it?
Punk: They asked if I wanted to do Starrcast. That’s basically it. There’s no mad scientist formula to it. I hate traveling. I’ve turned down offers to do signings in other places. It turns into a mission to leave town just to do a signing and stuff. I like to take time with everybody and make sure everybody has a good experience. I try not to just shuffle people through a line. For those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s not just somebody shoves something in front of me, I sign it and it’s on to the next. I really try to make sure everybody has a story to tell or an experience. Sometimes it can be exhausting.
The biggest thing was it’s in my hometown. I get to go for one day, I get to have fun, I get to give back to the fans, so to speak. And I get to go home and rest afterward.
Starrcast’s Connection To AEW
The last three Starrcast have taken place the same weekend as the AEW event and in close proximity. Even though Starrcast is independent of AEW an unofficial relationship seems to have been loosely established.
ESPN: When you do Starrcast, right or wrong, there is an implied relationship with AEW. Do you have any relationship with AEW?
Punk: No. I know they like to talk about me a lot. If I text Matt Jackson, “Hey, have a great show tonight,” which I did when they had their big show in Vegas, that somehow turns into Tony Khan telling people he has a great relationship with me. I’ve said in the past I’ve talked to them, but nothing ever came of anything.
ESPN: When you decided to do Starrcast, did you go over in your mind, like, “I’m going to get a thousand questions about AEW.”
Punk: Oh yeah, you’ve gotta brace yourself for it. It’s not even AEW. I’m gonna get a thousand questions about WWE. It comes with the territory.
ESPN: Do you feel like there’s an expectation from fans that you’re going to show up at AEW’s show, at All Out?
Punk: I think if there’s an expectation, it’s purely been built by them. My silence to some fans means something. They’re trying to read the tea leaves, but there’s nothing to read. I even feel like talking about it may feel like I’m putting some sort of negative slant on it, but I’m really not. The fact is I know they’ve teased me ad nauseam, and if anybody is gonna get mad it’s at me because I don’t show up. Well then, I don’t know what to tell you. That’s one of those things that’s none of my business.

CM Punk Was Made An Offer To Appear At An AEW Event
An offer was made to Punk to wrestle at an AEW event. The offer came in about a month ago, but Punk said he believed it was for a general AEW appearance not a specific event.
ESPN: Just to be completely clear, there’s nothing imminent?
Punk: The last thing I got — I got a text from Cody [Rhodes]. And again, I almost don’t even know how to reply to them sometimes, because if I reply, they do interviews and are like, “Oh yeah, I just talked to Punk.” I’m kind of damned if I do, damned if I don’t. I always think if somebody wants to do business with me, they can come talk to me. Texting offers isn’t really a way to do good business, at least.”
Punk speaks on if wrestling will be in his future. It seems like he has not closed the door on wrestling, but it is pretty unlikely. If he wrestles again AEW would be the place he does it at.
ESPN: By the end of 2020, will CM Punk be involved with pro wrestling in any way?
Punk: I doubt it.
ESPN: But it’s possible.
Punk: Anything is possible, but I’ve been saying this for five years, man. People are mad at me. I don’t understand how a stranger can get furious at somebody else. It’s like if I was walking down the street and saw somebody cutting grass and I’d be like, “Why the f— are you cutting grass? I want you to work at that f—ing Wendy’s! Go work at that Wendy’s!”
It’s f—ing amazing. There’s obviously a negative side to that, but I just try to focus on the positive side of that. There’s fans, there’s people’s lives I’ve touched, and to bring it full circle, that’s the biggest reason I’m doing Starrcast. I try not to whore myself out to every single signing. I literally do one a year.
Don’t Worry We’ll Keep You Posted
We here at ThatHashTagShow will keep a close eye on Mr. Punk. If he makes a surprise appearance at All Out or any other wrestling event AEW or otherwise we’ll be sure to let you know.