A few days before Comic-Con, Marvel announced that director Taika Waititi would return to helm the fourth Thor movie. The God of Thunder is the first MCU hero get their own quadrilogy (or is it tetralogy? Quartet?). Although the third movie (Ragnarok) was as successful as it was hilarious, fans begged the question…. “Is Thor worthy of being the first MCU quadrilogy?”
SDCC answered that question four-fold. During the MCU’s Hall-H panel Kevin Feige announced the 4th Thor movie would be called Thor: Love and Thunder. And then lighting struck. Natalie Portman, who reportedly was done with the MCU, returned and accepted Mjolnir, Thor’s Hammer from Taika Waititi. Mjolnir is, of course, a hammer that only those worth of power of Thor can wield. And she is…. The panel announced that Natalie Portman will portray not only Jane foster, but a Thor, the goddess of Thunder.
Thor: Love and Thunder to follow Comic Books with Jane Foster

In the comics, Jane Foster wielded the hammer as a female Thor, Goddess of Thunder. This even even changing the inscription of the hammer from “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor,” to “Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.”

But this film wasn’t ready to drop the hammer just yet. Next up, Tessa Thompson’s character Valkyrie will become the first LGBTQ super-hero in the MCU. She has already appeared in Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame, but MArvel hadn’tyet made any official announcement about her sexuality . NOtwithstanding, All became clear at the panel. Valkyriereutrn for Love and Thunder. According to Thompson, (and as we know), Valkyrie became King of Asgard in Avengers: Endgame; the latest film will see the new leader searching for her Queen.

Oh yeah, I guess Chris Hemsworth is in the movie too.
Each reveal was met with thunderous applause as Thor: Love and Thunder will hit theaters on November 5, 2021- as it is, with Jane Foster’s heavy return, Valkyrie’s official reveal, all in the hands of the talented Taika Waititi- make this film defiantly worth of being the first MCU quadrilogy (tetralogy? Quartet? We didn’t figure this out, did we?).