Jezzer’s 3rd Pick: Cam (Green Ninja Storm Ranger)

We’d love to see the Green Ninja Storm Ranger in the Wave 3 of the Lightning Collection line up! During Bandai’s Legacy Figures, Cam was the only Ninja Storm Ranger we didn’t get. Cam is also appearing in Boom Studios! Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers currently.
Joe’s 3rd Pick: Ryan (Titanium Lightspeed Ranger)

Ryan Mitchell was the Titanium Ranger but also the first ever all American made Ranger. Making his debut in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, Ryan started off as a villain to the team. He has one of the most complex and tragic backstories in all of Power Rangers.
Daniel’s Pick: Rita Repulsa

Rita Repulsa is probably the most iconic villain in Power Rangers history. We already have a Lord Zedd Lighting Collection figure so it only makes sense to give us his wife, Rita!