For most of the year the box office has made slow and steady strides to catch up with last year’s numbers. This past weekend took a massive turn in the other direction. While we do have a #1 movie, the box office of it and its companions turned out horrendous. This past weekend’s box office took tanked miserably. All 36 films for this past weekend’s box office brought in $128 million. This time last year, the #1 movie, The Incredibles 2, brought in $182.6 million all on its own! The entire box office from last year listed 103 active movies compared to the 36 of this year and made a total of $$271 million.
Weekend Box Office #1 – Men In Black International

While MIB: International may be the number one movie of the weekend box office, its haul will have the studio wanting to be neuralized. MIB could only manage a measly $28.5 million weekend. Last weekend we had great diversity in the box office numbers with the top 5 all in the double didgets. This weekend only the top three managed it. All other MIB movies opened with over $50 million openings. This sequel has also not fared well with reviews. Cinemascore only gives it B and over on Rottentomatoes it has a 24% with critics and only 66% with audiences.
#2 – The Secret Life of Pets 2

Pets 2 milked out one more good week, only dropping 49% in its second week, bringing in $23.8 million. It has had a nice little run, but its success will only come from those wishing to avoid the crowds of Toy Story 4 next weekend.
Aladdin Holds Strong at #3 in this Weekend Box Office

Aladdin also got one more week of strong numbers. In its fourth week, it made $16.7 million. Once questioned as the next big Disney flop after Dumbo, Aladdin has been anything but a flop. It has made $183 million domestically so far, but it too will like hit a buzz saw at the next weekend box office.
#4 – Dark Phoenix

While I was hoping for better turnout, it appears word off mouth has torpedoed the final Fox X-Men movie. In a horrible 72.6% drop in its second week, it only managed $9 million. Only 50 Shades of Grey dropped further, faster. The Phoenix remains dead until Disney resurrects the mutants.
Rounding Out the Weekend Box Office at #5 – Rocketman

Rocketman has had small box office numbers, but it has done a great job staying consistent. In its 3rd week it only dropped 36% and brought in $8.8 million. So far it has made $66 million on a $40 million budget.
Outside the Top 5
What makes things even worse is two new movies could not even crack the Top 5. The Sam Jackson remake of the classic Shaft only made $8 for a sixth place finish and the Zombie comedy starring Bill Murray and Adam Driver, The Dead Don’t Die, only made a disappointing $2.3 million, finishing 12th.
While next weekend sees the release of the action movie Anna and the horror reboot of the classic Child’s Play, the box office will lay solely on a single movie – Toy Story 4. Look for big numbers here and small numbers across the rest of the board.