Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga just may be the most ambitious Lego video game ever. On Sunday, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, Lucasfilm, the LEGO Group, and TT Games announced the game at the Microsoft Xbox Briefing at E3 2019. Spanning the entire Skywalker Saga, the new Star Wars game will offer more gameplay options than ever before. You can watch the preview trailer here:
TT Games Design Manager Talks Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Fans were excited after the announcement trailer on Sunday. They are even more excited after tonight’s hands-off demonstration. Following the demo, That Hashtag Show’s own Kelly Bohart got to chat with Anna, one of Design Managers at TT Game Studios about Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. When asked for run-down of the game, Anna had this to say:
It’s a completely new game. It’s all films from 1 all the way through to 9….. and all kind of about freedom and the chance to do the films in any order you want, explore the game how you want, explore space as well, and just kind of really, truly be in the Star Wars galaxy.”

If you’re already familiar with the Lego Star Wars games, you may have some new tricks to learn with this one. The game includes new features aplenty:
We’ve completely rebuilt it from the ground up….you’ve got the new combat system, so you’ve got a lot more control in melee combat, as well as with the blaster characters…. The Force is just incredible to use, and it’s very intuitive.”

Want to fly Lego Star Wars ships? You’ll have lots of opportunity:
You’ve got all the different ATs that you’ll be able to do throughout the entire saga. You’ve also got the snow speeders on Hoth, there’s so many different ones you’ll be able to jump into and explore. And, as you also saw, you’ve got the big Super Star Destroyer. They’re all completely built out of Lego, but you are able to go inside of them and dock inside of them. and now all the interiors are built out of Lego as well.”
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be available on the usual gaming platforms in 2020. The hard part now is waiting that long.