I like the “new” JJ Abrams. Perhaps it’s because Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is his last Star Wars film. Or maybe it’s because there is indeed turmoil within Lucasfilm. Whatever the reason, the normally secretive producer and director has been very vocal when it comes to Star Wars lately. First he was candid about the difficulties Rian Johnson caused for Star Wars: Episode IX with The Last Jedi. Then he was openly critical about management of the sequel trilogy. In a recent interview, however, he effectively admitted he didn’t follow Episode VIII when it comes to Rey’s parentage.

JJ Abrams spent a great deal of time in The Force Awakens establishing Rey’s parentage as a likely central theme for the sequel trilogy. Then came Rian Johnson. One of the biggest controversies surrounding The Last Jedi was the notion that Rey’s parents were “nobody”. If true, that idea leaves many fans disappointed at best and angered at worst. However, there may now be less of a case to worry.
In a recent interview with ABC at this past weekend’s Star Wars Celebration, JJ Abrams was again far more forthcoming than usual. In the interview, he all but admitted that The Rise of Skywalker will reveal Rey’s parents.
JJ Abrams will Address Rey’s Parentage in The Rise of Skywalker

“We knew going into this, that this movie had to be a satisfying conclusion,” Abrams began. He dropped the bomb next when discussing Rey’s parentage:
And we are well aware that that’s been one of the things that’s sort of been out there. I don’t want to say that what happens in Episode VII… We have honored that. But I will say that there’s more to the story there, too.”
Despite assertions the contrary, it does seem that JJ Abrams will indeed react to fan backlash from The Last Jedi with his treatment of Episode IX, after all. If there’s “more to the story” when it comes to Rey’s parentage, rest assured Abrams will tell it. Fueling that fire is the fact that the ship in which Rey’s parents flew away from Jakku seems to appear in the trailer for Episode IX.

Sure, it’s fun to be surprised. Notwithstanding, if people want to know more about The Rise of Skywalker, apparently all you have to do is keep asking JJ Abrams questions.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker opens in theaters December 20.
Source: ABC