When it comes to the galaxy far, far away, all eyes will be on Chicago, Illinois this weekend. The Windy City is this year’s home for Star Wars Celebration, the Con of Cons with respect to Star Wars. We expect a wealth of information to come out of Celebration, include the title and a trailer for Star Wars: Episode IX . One thing on fans’ minds, but something we likely won’t hear in any panel, is how Disney and Lucasfilm will handle the future of Star Wars administratively. Who will guide the Star Wars franchise forward?

We already know that Kathleen Kennedy is signed on as President of Lucasfilm for another three years. That doesn’t mean, however, that she’s the person to bring the Star Wars franchise to the next level. Likewise, Star Wars production and direction is often delegated, sometimes with deleterious effects, (Solo: A Star Wars Story), or worse, divisive results (The Last Jedi.) Some suggest that there needs to be one, definitive leader to oversee Star Wars. Those “some” are not wrong.
One Voice to Speak for the Star Wars Franchise

In pondering such a notion, one needs to look no further than the success Marvel has had with Kevin Feige at its helm. Over twenty films and countless billions of dollars later, Feige has forged the Marvel franchise into an empire, the culmination of which comes in a few weeks’ time with Avengers: Endgame. Granted, George Lucas created the Star Wars franchise. However, he sold his interests to Disney six years ago. Disney had reportedly offered Feige the Star Wars job, but he respectfully declined. So who is there, if not Feige or Kennedy? The answer is simple.
Dave Filoni.

Filoni has already proven his mastery at Star Wars storytelling. Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels were both critical hits. Each also contributed significantly to the current Star Wars canon. This fall he’ll fulfill fans’ wishes by bringing his talent to live-action, too. He directed the pilot episode of The Mandalorian.
Frankly, there is no one better for the job. And if what we hear is true, eventually it will be his for the taking. I have personally had conversations with a Star Wars insider who stated, in no uncertain terms, that Filoni is viewed within the Star Wars franchise as the heir-apparent to Lucas.
So, will he who was once the learner now become the master? I suppose time will tell.
I don’t know if I want the guy who did two animated shows handling the film franchise. It’s a different animal. It’s like when people expected Geoff John to save the DCEU because he did well with the comics.
Dean – That’s a great point, although I think there’s a big difference here. Filoni has worked hand in hand with Lucas on the animated projects. Plus, his writing and storytelling abilities are widely regarded as some of the best in the entire franchise. I think the true test will come when we see the live-action Mandalorian pilot, which he directed.
I’d like to take this moment to remind you that KATHLEEN KENNEDY is your alternative…
@Marlon Hard to beat this argument, haha.
Dean do not say that without offering an alternative. Who would be on your short list? KK was a disaster and current director JJ Abrams doesn’t want that type of responsibility. So I ask you, if not the creator of two successful animated series who has won the fan base over then who?
The best news I’ve gotten all week
I’m cool with this idea, even a bit excited about the possibility. I’m 42 friggin years old and I enjoyed both rebels and the clone Wars. I think I qualify as a diehard having seen empire 5 times in the theater when I was only 5 years old and having dedicated my whole left arm to star wars tattoos. I like the idea of filoni giving the final green light to scripts and perhaps being more directly involved.
Man this headline almost made me think he actually was named the new head of star wars. Which disappointed me that this is only speculation. Dave Filoni is honestly the only person I can think of who could actually properly head the star wars brand and not drive it straight into the grave like Kathleen has done.
if this works out…then maybe it could help make a case for WB to give dc animation maestro, Bruce Timm the chance to steer their DC movies ship in the right course..in UNISON.
My 2¢:
Given that ‘Solo’ was written and directed by an entirely different team of people before Ron Howard took on the herculean task of trying to get something to print and show in a ridiculously short amount of time, it wasn’t a bad film. Disjointed? Yes. Bad? No.
But it had one glaring error that does indeed deserve all of the vitriol heaped upon the film: It changed the fundamental character of Han from a scoundrel, to the hero. His back story now made it known that Han would always show up to rescue anyone he cared for, even though he told you he didn’t care.
This sucks.
Whomever made that decision, should be kept far far away from the helm of Star Wars. And that wasn’t the genius that is Filoni.
Agreed. He already had a backstory and it was pretty Effin good. He was a rogue. He didn’t involve himself in matters beyond business and personal interest. Damn shame.
not even filoni can save star wars unfortunately
Help us Dave Filoni, you’re our only hope…
If only they could retcon the last few years.
Joe Johnston would be the far superior choice